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Kumoko POV

How long... How long have I been here in this void... Nothing, there's nothing I can't hear anything everything is... Is just silent, I don't know where I am I don't know what time, month or year it is, how... Did I end up in this black void?

How can I get out of here? Sitting here waiting for... What am I waiting for?

Suddenly a light flashed above, I tried to reach to it even though I know I can't reach the light that's on top of me, the light grew even more wider through the void blinding my eyes.

Why... Why am I reaching for the light?

Blinding my eyes even more the bright light suddenly disappeared as now I am looking at an unknown ceiling...


???: Ah, master you're finally awake.

Turning around there... I see Sophia, Sophia was once my old classmate from another world also we didn't really talk in the past considering that I'm always by my self.

Kumoko: S... Sophia...

Sophia: Yes?

Kumoko: Ho-

???: If you're asking for how long you have been in your slumber, it has been 1-2 year's now.

A familiar voice answered my question even though I didn't finished it, looking where the voice came from I see Ariel-sama walking towards me, looking a her...

Kumoko: I feel old looking at you, Ariel-sama.

Ariel: Wha-!

Since she's beside me now, I patted her head.

Kumoko: There there, if we walk side by side people will think that you're my daughter or younger sister you know.

I sighed in pain dramatically still patting her head.

Kumoko: Why... Why do people think I'm old enough to be a mother even though I'm only years or decades years old.

Ariel pointed at me pissed as Sophia is just standing watching both of us.

Ariel: Hey! You're more older than grandmother's that I have met! So your age would be considered as a great great or more great grandmother!!

An imaginary arrow struck me through my chest as I cried dramatically on the floor.

Sophia: Now now, Ariel-sama, Master...

We both looked at Sophia curious on what she is about to say.

Sophia: Both of you are old to be considered as great or maybe more great grandmother.

This time a lighting has struck me... Crying dramatically once again while Ariel stayed in her place like a statue, shook by what Sophia had said.

After a few seconds I have stopped and stood up from the floor as Ariel stayed still.

Kumoko: Now, onto the real business...

Sophia looked at me seriously.

Kumoko: what had happened to the war?

Sophia sighed closing her eyes...

Sophia: well...

I looked at her as she opens her eyes showing her red eyes.

Sophia: well it was cancelled by the chibi demon lord...

She said to me boredly while me... Imaginary dot's started coming out behind me.

Kumoko: What?

Sophia: Like I said it was cancelled...

Kumoko: even though we were in the middle of the war?

Sophia nodded at my question.

Sophia: well after your cool entrance yiu suddenly blacked out... Well we all were about to continue it but Potimas added more of his troops... He was there of course but it was just his decoy...

Kumoko: I see...

I said tearing uo a little.

Kumoko: by the way Sophia.

She hums, I looked at Ariel who's still frozen in her place.

Kumoko: it seems like you've broken our Demon Lord Ariel...

Sophia: Riiiight~

Sophia slurred and giggles I looked at her and sighed... Nevermind that but, for some reason I feel my back hurt.

Kumoko: I must be getting old... Now no I refuse to believe that, I'm pretty sure it's because I have been sleeping for 2 years, I should probably get a massage later.

I muttered to myself as Sophia just giggles at Ariel.

End Of Chapter 1

Finally!! Anyhow someone help me with math!!
Anyhow I'm actually thinking if I should do this a harem or no ...

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