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3rd Person POV

In the middle of the night, Ariel the Demon Lord have sent a message to their companions that they'll have a meeting.

All their companions who are also demon's attended to the said meeting, now all of them are currently sitting including Shiraori whom just woke up from her slumber and Sophia who's sitting beside her while Ariel on the middle looking at them.

Ariel: So... Do you all know why have I called you all here?

???: Hm~ because Shiraori is already awake from her 2 years of slumber?~

A matured female voice said, Shiraori giggles a little that only Sophia who's beside her is the only person who heard it.

Ariel: Yes, you're right Sanatoria but... That's not the only reason why I called you all here...

Everyone's attention is now on Ariel.

Ariel: We will... We will continue the war between Demons, Humans and Elves.

Ariel stated in all seriousness, the others were of course excited as the war has been continued.

???: But, why continue it now? I mean we could've continued even if Shiro was asleep.

A male with green haired oger then asked Ariel.

Ariel: well, actually I was thinking on continuing it in the past but... If we had continued the war back then we will lose.

Sophia: what do you mean?

Ariel: Potimas, wasn't there... I'm pretty sure he had planned ahead before I had met you all, making his own dummies with his original body somewhere else in this world, and now I think he's making a new weapon, a weapon that can wipe us all.

???: I don't understand, my Lord.

A male who is The fourth demon army commander said to Ariel who sighed, not know how to explain everything.

Ariel: In other words he sent his dummies to stay with his 'beloved' elves while his original body is somewhere making a weapon that can make all the humanity into shit pieces.

Shiro: She said a swear...

Shiraori said in soft monotone voice, Ariel ignored her as some of the demon's giggled.

Ariel: Anyhow everyone is dismissed...

Everyone stood up except for Shiro who stayed behind with Ariel, as the last person left, they closed the wooden door making a load thump.

Ariel: What are you still doing here, Shiro?

Shiraori didn't respond... Ariel sighed at her.

Ariel: Come here, Shiro.

Ariel said patting her lap indicating for Shiraori to rest her head there, Shiraori obliged, she walked to where Ariel is sitting, sitting on her knees she put her hands first on Ariel's lap before resting her head completely.

Ariel then started patting Shiraori's head gently.

Ariel: Shiro, what did you see?

Shiro: Nothing... Everything was back and silent...

Shiraori said tearing up making her sleeves wet.

Ariel: What do you mean...

Shiro then pulled away from Ariel's lap gripping on the Demon Lord's shoulder crying.

Shiro: As I have said everything was black... It was a void I... I was scared thinking that there's no escape! I was scared that... that I started thinking everything was gone...

Ariel reached both her hand out to Shiraori's cheeks, she teard up even more from Ariel's warm hands and the kindness and gentleness of the demon in front of her.

Ariel: It's fine Shiro, you're here now back in our world I will not let you get consumed by the darkness that you have felt once again.

She said to the white haired female, hugging her and wrapping her around the gentle embrace Shiro let out a loud cry making her negative thoughts consume her mind as Ariel pats her head making her calm down.

Shiro: I... I thought... I thought everything had ended... I thought everyone had left me in the void! I thought I had lost you all, I just spent there sitting waiting for something that I do not even know! My mind was a mess, all I was thinking was negative, all of them were about you all dying or leaving me all alone.

Shiro hugged Ariel tighter.

Shiro: I thought I had lost all my friends, even though I was in my slumber for two years it felt like I was there for millennium!

The night was full of Shiro's cries... After awhile she had fallen asleep on Ariel's arm's, even though she's asleep the demon lord is calming her down still.

Without them knowing, a female with red eyes and light hair was at the door of the meeting room listening to them.

When she didn't hear Shiro crying anymore she left.

End Of Chapter 2

A/N: when your cat is sleeping when you you're doing a performance task...

A/N: when your cat is sleeping when you you're doing a performance task

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 08, 2022 ⏰

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