My girl<3

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Rue Narrating

Now ashtray and pandora had been having a lot of fun the last fee times they had been seeing each other.Ashtray felt a feeling he had never really felt before.. He didn't know what to call it, exactly? But he knew no matter what happened he needed to protect Pandora with his life. He knew it was Dangerous for her to be involved with him. However even if it meant he was willingly putting her in danger, she was what he needed, what his soul had been searching for all along. And he wouldn't let anybody or anything get in the way of that. This was the only problem now.. Pandora's life, along with him and fezco's, is on the line 24/7.

*rue softly in hails a blunt blowing the smoke out creating massive clouds as her voice slowly fades away*

"Where the fuck am I?" You say to you your self, still not in the right mind from being really stoned the prier night as you wonder downstairs holding on to the railings
"Morning ma, sleep well?" Ash says kissing your head gently while fez was sorting out a stash of weed with him "oo who is that for??" You ask eyeing it up softly humming to yourself. "Not for us ma, so keep your hands off ok?" He says with a gentle touch, passing you your breakfast

"what's with the cute nickname?" You laugh admiring his beautiful smile. "It's what he used to call grandma" fez says, you look confused trying to figure out how that makes any sense "she was the only women I ever loved and truly cared for in my whole life, except from you that is" ash adds

*you go bright pink as he wipes some crumbs off  of the side of your mouth* "how about you go get a shower and get yourself ready and I'll take you somewhere" ash suggests as you kiss him and run off upstairs to get ready.

"You crazy kids official yet??" Fez says smirking "nah not yet man. I'm working on it though" ash says nodding his head "treat her well ok? She been through a lot man. She can't be doing with getting stressed out over you all the time man. She has .. a lot on her plate" fez says looking over to ash "for sure. I think i really love her fez. I would do anything for her, honestly. I don't know why, she's just.. different?" Ash says

"I get you bro." Fez says patting his shoulder before ash runs off upstairs to you* "ma??"He shouts "I'm in your room!" You shout back undecided on what to wear "oo can i choose what you wear?" Ash says exited. Another thing you love about ashtray. He always try's to take part no matter what it is. "Of course you can my love" you say smiling

He picks you this out proud of himself"Well done babe! I love it" you say kissing him on the cheek and getting changed "no problem" he says scrolling through his phone

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He picks you this out proud of himself
"Well done babe! I love it" you say kissing him on the cheek and getting changed "no problem" he says scrolling through his phone

"I love you ash. I really do" you say out of no where as he pulls you in passionately by the waists and you make out

*A few minutes later you finish kissing ash, watch him roll 2 joints and then take the car key*

"Yo I'm taking the car bro if that alr?"
He says "yh that's fine be back by 4 we are going out" fez says as you close the door

"So where are we going?" You ask
"A friends." He says not wanting to let you in on much picking up his phone again as it buzzes three times. "Woah what's with your phone today?" You say laughing but it keeps going off until you get there which really annoyed you.

"What if some other bitch was chatting to him. What if he had found a better you?" You questioned yourself as ash was rubbing your leg asking if your ok. "Yeah I'm good.. let's go" you say jumping out of the car lighting a blunt "you have the first few hits then pass it me ok ma?" He asks. *you nod your head take a few drags and pass him it walking into the house*

"yo Bruce?" Ash shouts as you wait behind him
"Yo my man ash that you?" He shouts
"Yeah it's me and my bird where you at?"
"Come thru the kitchen and im on your right" he shouts as ash takes your hand. What are you here for? To get drugs?? Why would ash ask you to come here you keep thinking to yourself as you walk in the room waiting for the man and ash to sort their business

"Yo ma come here! Ash shouts" as you walk in the room. "What's wrong bab-" you say as you stop speaking. Your heart sinks. "You like it? If you want it it's all yours" ash says "omg really?" You say hugging ash "yeah I've got the money and ik how much you wanted one" and says smiling.

It was an adorable fluffy ass husky with lots of other dogs in the back. *you pick it up gently and stroke it* "hey baby" you say in a cute voice "so you like her?" Ash asks smiling passing Bruce the money. "Love her!" You say kissing ash "anything for my girl" he says walking outside with her and all her stuff

"yo ash you get it?" Fez shouts rushing downstairs "sure did" he says laughing at fez's reaction "what shall we name her?" Ash asks
"Dove?" You say smiling "yehhh that sounds sick y/n" fez says and you both sit with the dog while ash has a joint "yo babe I saved you 2's" he says passing it you as you kiss him in the cheek "you know me to well" you say and laugh

"yo fez what we doing for your birthday tomorrow?" Ash asks like it's nothing
"Uhh idk.. I think I'm working in the shop" he says. Fez's birthdays were never celebrated. You felt so bad. How can you not celebrate your own birthday?. "Fez it's your birthday tomorrow??"

"Yea. Not a big deal" he say

In reality it was a big deal and he knew it was but another thing about being treat like an adult all your life is you don't get to do the thing a normal kid would.. *fez walked upstairs and you whispered to ash "I think we should throw a party for him. A surprise party. It's his 17th birthday it's a big deal"
"Idk. I don't want him to lash out.."ash says
"Don't worry he will love it" you say already asking Maddy to host a party for him

"I love you ma, you have the sweetest heart you know. You really care. I like that about you, for real" he says as he goes in to kiss you

"You know what I think?" He says *you tilt your head* "we should get together for fez's birthday" he winks and laughs "I'd like that"'you say laughing and head up to bed with ash and dove


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