All the colourful leaves

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Haven't written AoFuta for a while. I'm quite proud of how this turned out.

Enjoy :)

If Kenji loved something about the autumn, it was the leaves. The slowly changing colours from the typical green to all shades of yellow, orange and red always managed to make him smile and sent his mental age about ten years back. He loved rolling around in the leaves when he was a kid, and even now as an adult, he sometimes felt the urge to just jump into the pile of leaves and forget about everything.

He was waiting for Aone to finish his job, seated on one of the benches, watching the people around him going on walks and enjoying the last moments of warmth this year. According to the forecast, it was supposed to start raining in the next few days, meaning this was probably the last chance to see the world in nice colours until the snow comes.

He watched a group of kids playing around in the leaves, suddenly feeling jealous of their still unbothered minds. How nice it would be if he could go back to being a child, at least for one day.
A large shadow fell over him. Kenji looked up and smiled at his lover, jumping up to give him a hug.

He ruffled Aone's hair playfully, grinning like an idiot.

"How is my teddy bear doing today?"

Aone rolled his eyes and kissed Kenji's nose. Kenji giggled, feeling like a teenager again when they shared small kisses in the park when they went home after school.

Aone tilted his head, motioning towards the place Kenji was looking at.

"Huh? Oh, I was just thinking about how I loved playing in the leaves when I was a kid. It was like the best thing when we raked leaves. Well, at least until I had to do it. That was less fun."

Aone raised his eyebrow.

"Hey, I'm not that squeamish! I don't mind getting dirty sometimes. I just don't like digging in the ground. That's why I have you," he finished with his best innocent face.


"But I was thinking, what would you say we use the last nice weather and make some stuff for Halloween? You know, pumpkin carving, decorating, something like that."

Aone cracked a small smile and entwined their fingers together, making Kenji blush slightly.

"I'd love that."

Kenji shivered, the deep, gentle voice never failing to make him feel all sorts of things. He pressed himself closer to Aone's side, melting inwardly over his luck with getting the best partner ever.

"Maybe we could stop by at that small cafe on the corner. I heard they have an amazing latte. But not the pumpkin spice. I swear to gods if I hear pumpkin spice one more time, I'm going to strangle someone. Why is it so popular anyway? It doesn't even taste that good..."

He went on with his rambling, as he always did when they walked home. It was kind of their ritual since high school. Aone never spoke too much, even when they were alone, but Kenji did the talking for both of them, informing Aone about all the newest gossip from his work and other unimportant news he heard somewhere. Aone would usually just nod along or sometimes chime in with a low grunt or hum, but Kenji knew the white-haired man was listening to all his ramblings, and it made his heart flutter.

They were just walking past the park edge, where all the fallen leaves were raked into big, neat piles. Kenji bit his lip, the urge becoming too strong to ignore. He tugged on Aone's hand.

"Would you consider me immature and/or crazy if I jumped into that pile?" he asked, eyeing the taller man carefully.

Aone didn't say a word but instead effortlessly picked Kenji up and threw him into the closest pile. Kenji let out a surprised yelp before he fell into the soft heap. The leaves flew all around, falling slowly to the ground as if they just fell from the trees.

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