Chapter 3

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Yelling thoughts
Word of the day

{Tobey POV}

Tobey and Becky were reading books, specifically Harry Potter books. Surprisingly Tobey was keeping up with how fast Becky was reading. As soon as the two finished the last page becky turned to face Tobey. Tobey smiled, "Well, Who was your favorite character?" Tobey questioned.

Tobey was actually interested in knowing what type of person Becky likes, Whether it's Ron for his comedy, Harry for his heroic's, Hermione for her smarts, or Draco Malloy for his Cunningness. Becky clapped her hands with excitement.

"My favorite character is Hermione! I love how she saves Harry and Ron whenever they get into trouble and how she can think even under dire situations!" Becky rambled "Oh! What about you?" She looked at Tobey as if she was about to hear a secret.

"My favorite character is Draco Malfoy. I find him funny, and he wouldn't be a villan if Harry would've just shaken his hand to become friends. Draco could've possibly been good if it wasn't for stupid Ron." Tobey went on about how he loved Draco and Hated Ron. (Ron stans...Please don't hurt me I love them all).

Becky got tired listening to Tobey ramble, but still listened to Tobey because she thought it was funny how much he disliked Ron. Tobey soon realized Becky was bored when he heard her yawn, "I'm sorry for rambling. We should probably head to bed. " Tobey stood up.

"Where is your guest bedroom?" Tobey helped becky up, "Oh, we don't have one." Becky replied. Hearing these words made Tobey feel uneasy, "Then were am I suppose to sleep?" Tobey asked. Becky looked at Tobey questioningly "On the couch?" Tobey felt as if the word was crumbling around him.

The couch wasn't that comfy to Tobey, not compared to his couches. 'Is Becky crazy? Me? Tobey McCallister III? SLEEPING ON A COUCH?!' Tobey was panicking, he didn't want to tell Becky how disgusted he was that she suggested such a thing. Tobey went as far as to think of remodeling her house.

Becky soon realized why Tobey was acting such a way, "Oh my god, please don't tell me you never slept on a couch before?" She exclaimed. Tobey balled up his fist "I am Tobey McCallister III. I DO NOT SLEEP ON COUCHES!" He snapped.

Becky looked frightened, before realizing that he was probably right, 'I forgot that Tobey is rich, he doesn't usually sleep on couches. I bet that he isn't even used to doing anything I do in my daily life.' Becky sighed "I'm sorry Tobey, it's all we have. You need to deal with it." She felt apologetic.

"Can't I sleep in your room?" Tobey looked confused. Becky blushed, "No! You're a boy! Only a girl can sleep in my room!" She shook her head frantically. Tobey sighed "What about TJ?" He spoke hopefully. Becky sighed, if you sleep in his room you have to settle with the floor." Tobey was heartbroken.

He pouted "I swear if it wasn't raining outside I would've called my butler and moved a bed into this house! No I would have remodeled it!" Tobey sat on the couch covering himself in a blanket grumbling to himself. He looked adorable. Becky smiled "Goodnight Tobey!"

"Goodnight Becky."

The next morning, Tobey had woken up to the sound of giggling. Tobey slowly opened his eyes and sat himself up. He turned to face the kitchen, where the giggling had been heard. He yawned before entering the kitchen, "Good Morning!" Becky spoke enthusiastically.

Tobey nodded to the happy family and proceeded to sit down at the table. For breakfast they had Eggs, Bacon, and toast. Soon after Tobey had received a call, it was from his mother.

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