Hello, Mr. Celebrity (Larry Stylinson)

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(A/N) Yo, so I started another story before, but I decided that bromances are much more fun. So here you goooooo

Chapter One

Louis' Point of View

I gasped in a quiet breath as I tried to be a silent as humanly possible.

I squeezed my eyes tightly shut as I heard the floorboards creak heavily right outside the closet door.

I heard the voice that haunted my worst nightmares chuckle darkly. "Louis," it sang tauntingly. "Louis, come out. You can't hide forever little one!"

My breathing stopped all together as I saw the shadow approach the door which I was right on the opposite side of.

I jumped when the door was suddenly flung open. There stood my deepest terror.

My father.

He laughed gleefully. Maniacally. "Louis, you know you can't hide from me." He said, his voice becoming deeper and more threatening as he spoke.

I whimpered, shaking my head pleadingly. "Please,"

His once crazily joyful grin that sent horrifying chills up my spine melted into a scowl. "Get up, boy."

I curled into myself more, pressing my back against the closet wall desperately. "Please...No..." I whispered again, my voice shaking as I struggled to hold back tears.

He gazed down at me for a few moments with a black expression on his face. I looked at my dad, terrified. Slowly, his lips curved up into a menacing smirk.

In a flash he reached out and grabbed my by my hair. I cried out in pain as he yanked my out of the closet and into my bedroom.

He let go of my hair and I spun to look at him, not wanting to lose sight of him once. I learned my lesson last time I glanced away from him for a split second.

Before I could react, he punched me in the stomach, causing me to curl over as pain flourished through my abdomen.

He leaned down so I could feel his hot breath on my ear. "When I tell you to get up, you get up. Do you understand?" he whispered calmly.

I nodded my head weakly, not daring to move a muscle from my bent position.

He grabbed the back of my neck roughly. "I said," he hissed, getting even closer to me. "Do you understand?"

I felt tears bristle my eyes, but forced them back. Crying just makes it worse for myself. "Yes sir." I croaked, wincing in pain as he gripped the back of my neck tighter.

He pulled back from me, grinning evilly. I gasped in air as I stumbled away from him. "Good." he purred.

I looked up at my father wearily. I knew what was coming. I'm used to it.

As I expected, he threw a punch at me, busting my lip open wide. He then connected his knee with my gut, making me fall to the ground.

He kicked me in the stomach, and I weakly curled my legs up and held myself in a ball, knowing it wouldn't do any good.

He kicked me a few more times, then stepped down on my exposed wrist.

I gasped loudly in pain as he continued to crush my arm. "D-Dad!" I whimpered.

He leaned down to look me in the eyes as he just pressed harder on my wrist, casing me to cry out.

He roughly grabbed my chin, forcing me to look at him. "Listen to me you little gay piece of crap," he hissed. "You are not my son. Got it? You are worthless and fat and ugly. No one will ever love you. You are the reason your mom died!"

Hello, Mr. Celebrity (Larry Stylinson)Where stories live. Discover now