Chapter Twenty

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(A/N) So saddened by what happened in Boston. My prayers and thoughts go out to everyone who was injured or killed, and their families.

Chapter Twenty

Harry's Point of View

"Ow! You're pulling my hair!" I exclaimed.

"Oh hush. Don't be a baby." our stylist, Lou scolded me.

I scowled, and she lightly whacked me on the back of the head with the hair brush. "Stop!" I yelled.

She stuck her tongue out at me. Sometimes I wonder if she's really an adult.

I sat back in my seat, and let her finish taming my mass of curls. I glanced across the room, and saw Louis standing next to Liam, his leg shaking nervously.

This would be his first interview. He's convinced that he'll screw up and embarrass himself on live tv.

"Okie dokie, you're finished. Go comfort your boyfriend now." Lou teased, pushing me out of the styling chair.

I walked over to Louis, and pulled him into my arms, stroking his hair comfortingly.

"Knock it off, Styles! You'll mess up his hair!" Lou screamed at me from where she was working on Zayn's hair across the room.

I rolled my eyes, and settled for running my hand up and down his arm.

Louis chucked, and leaned into me. Liam smiled warmly at us. "You two really are the cutest thing." he cooed.

Louis raised an eyebrow. "I beg to differ, you and the leprechaun make a pretty adorable pair."

Liam's cheeks flushed, and I grinned. He's so smitten.

"But really," Louis started, pulling away from me slightly. "Thank you. This is the happiest I've seen Niall in a very long time."

Liam blushed harder, but beamed. "This is the happiest I've ever been in my life. Since I met Nialler, I'm just at peace."

Louis smiled. "Good. That's what I like to hear. He has a good heart. He deserves someone like you, Li."

Liam looked up. "He deserves much better than me. But I'm giving him all I have to offer."

"And I think that's all he could ever ask for." Louis grinned knowingly.

Liam smiled. "Thanks Louis."

"For what?" he asked, raising an eyebrow.

"For telling me that." Liam said.

"You're welcome." Louis said warmly.

A bouncing blonde ball of energy came bounding over to us, barreling into Liam. "Hi Li-Li!"

Liam wrapped his arms around Niall's torso. "Hello my love."

Niall blushed, smiling. He kissed Liam's cheek, and melted into the taller's side.

They begun whispering to each other, giggling occasionally.

I turned to Louis, who was looking up at me with a fond smile.

"What?" I questioned, smiling curiously.

He shrugged. "I just really love you."

My heart fluttered. "Love you too, Boo." I then reached down to kiss him lightly on the lips.

He sighed against my lips contentedly, folding himself into my arms comfortably.

"LOUIS!" a furious voice boomed from across the room.

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