|~|Chapter 2: Suspicions|~|

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~~~3rd Person: Doppo~~~

Kunikida walked into the agency. Dazai had told him the day before that (Y/n) wasn't gonna be home that night.


"Hey! Kunikida," Dazai entered the agency.

Kunikida turned his chair and attention to Dazai, "Yes?"

"(Y/n) told me that he wouldn't be home tonight, so thought I'd let you know," Dazai casually spoke.

"Oh, alright. Thank you for letting me know, Dazai," Kunikida pushed his glasses up with his middle finger. He turned back to his computer and continued to type out paperwork.


He found it kind of weird that (Y/n) wouldn't be home, but then again, he usually wasn't. It was rare for him to be home and away from work.

Kunikida entered the agency's office area and greeted everyone, "Good morning."

"Good morning, Kunikida," Ranpo grinned, "We found out some more stuff about the Port Mafia situation."

"Enlighten me," Kunikida simply phrased. He took a seat at his desk and started to type out a document.

"We believe that your brother has something to do with this case," Ranpo explained.

Kunikida snapped his attention over to Ranpo. His eyes were wide and full of shock, "How so!?"

Ranpo took a lollipop out of his mouth, "Well, you've mentioned that he sometimes doesn't come home after work, right?"

Kunikida nodded, "Yeah... He didn't even come home yesterday..."

Ranpo continued, "Andd.., we don't know what his job is, correct?"

Kunikida agreed, "Yeah, but what does that have to do with (Y/n)?"

"Let me finish," Ranpo held his pointer finger up, "A local supermarket owner caught footage of a crime in an alley. Can I ask you what (Y/n)'s ability is?"

"Uhm.., as far as I know, it's called 'In Your Head, I Control,'" Kunikida recalled.

"Listen to this footage," Ranpo finished before putting his lollipop back in his mouth.


"Listen, dude. I don't know who you think you are, but you should back off before you get hurt."

"You think I'm scared of you? You're just a pathetic guy in an alleyway. Who are you even?"

"I'm an executive at the Port Mafia."

"Y-Yeah, right! Why would a Port Mafia member slump in the alleyways of Yokohama?"

"I don't know. All I know is that you've made a grave mistake."


"In Your Head, I Control."

Suddenly, the guy's eyes went bloodshot.

"Take this noose. Hang yourself."

The guy then took the noose, tied the other end to a nearby rod, and hung himself.


Kunikida couldn't believe his eyes. Had (Y/n) been using his power for the enemy organization?

"No..," Kunikida's eyes remained widened.

"This footage was caught this morning," Ranpo started, opening a bag of chips, "Specifically at 2:17 am. Was (Y/n) home at that time?"

"N-No.. not that I recall..," Kunikida froze.

"Case closed," Ranpo closed the footage.

"Next time you see (Y/n), please bring him to the agency," Fukuzawa said, appearing out of nowhere, "We need to interrogate him."

"Yes sir," Kunikida shakily spoke.

Kunikida turned to his computer and stared at the white screen, dumbfounded. Was (Y/n) really part of the case, furthermore the Port Mafia?

Maybe that's why he bolted out of the agency yesterday... Maybe Dazai knows something.

Dazai didn't come back to the agency until 30 minutes before he left to find (Y/n), so that means the two could've chatted for a while.

Also, Dazai had mentioned talking to him, anyway. He had also mentioned more personal things between him and (Y/n).


Ranpo looked at Dazai, "What happened with (Y/n)?"

"Nothing much," Dazai spoke, "We just talked about jobs and stuff."

"Wait," Kunikida rose, "Did (Y/n) tell you about his job?"

"Yup," Dazai said, popping the p.

Kunikida stared, "What's his job?"

"I said I wouldn't tell," Dazai smiled, "it's a secretive job. We actually knew each other already from that job."

Kunikida yelled, shook, "You two know each other?!"

"Yeah," Dazai casually said, "You surprised, Mr.Ideals?"

"Sort of,"  Kunikida pushed up his glasses, "but it'd make sense you both knew each other. Now I know where he got that book he always reads and his suicidal intentions."

"Oh," Dazai's mouth formed an o shape, "(Y/n) talks about suicide? Maybe I should ask him to commit a double suicide with me-"

"That's kind of gay," Ranpo joked.


Kunikida shook his head slightly and got back to doing his work. He was already running late on his schedule due to his thoughts and the footage he had to watch.

To be honest, Kunikida was curious on what (Y/n) was currently doing at his job...

~~~3rd Person: (Y/n)~~~

"Suck it, losers," (Y/n) placed down a yellow 3, aka his last card, "uno out!"

"You always win," Chuuya threw his head back in annoyance, "are you cheating or something?"

"No, just pure skill," (Y/n) flaunted.

"Pure skill my ass," Chuuya complained, "Another round! I'm positive I'll win this time!!"

"That's gonna make it the 56th round," (Y/n) reminded, "we've been playing for hours. Remind me how many you've won?"

"None...," Chuuya quietly muttered.

(Y/n) hummed, "Hmmm? Sorry Chuu chuu train, I didn't hear ya."


"No thanks, I'm still calling you that," (Y/n) teased, passing out new uno cards. "Oh yeah, I have a deal I'd like to propose," (Y/n) smirked.

Chuuya tilted his head to the side, "Hm?"

"If I win, you have to do whatever I say for a week," (Y/n) stated, "but if you win, I do whatever you tell me to for a week."

"Deal," Chuuya smirked, confidence consuming his entire smile.

Guess what, though.

Chuuya lost.


Word count: 960 words

I'm typing on my phone plmso
Anyway, I need sleep.
It's 1 am.
Life is ridjejdnfjdjd

Eat, drink (wine), sleep, and vote on this chapter


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