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-As you all know the school festivals are catching up and we all have to start getting to work. So we have been choosing to pair two second year students, you all, with two other third year students.
   Cho looked at Ai with a shocked and excited expression on her face. Ai just looked shocked, as pretty much all the rest of the class. This was not something any of them was used to. Second year students never worked together with the third year students. The only time they would ever interact with each other was during breaks and the same follows for the first year students too. No one was used to this. Some of the class thought it was cool and they were excited but Ai was mostly scared. Third year students scared her because they were older and had much more power over the rest of the school. The bullies were always the third year students, it was never first or second year students who harassed or bullied other students.
   The teacher started shouting our names telling which students who was in a group together.
-Suzuki and Yoshida.
   Cho looked over at Ai excited. Ai was a little relieved now that she knew she at least wouldn't be in a group with two third year students alone without her best friend.
-You can all

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14, 2022 ⏰

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