❤Chapter One🤍

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Here is what the beautiful Mitsuki looks like~

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Here is what the beautiful Mitsuki looks like~

Mitsuki's Pov:

I am Mitsuki Todoroki, twins with Shoto Todoroki. We are children of the number two hero, Endeavor. We both have the same quirk. Half is fire and half is ice. I have fire on my right side and my left is ice and vice versa for my brother. We both got into UA hero academy on recommendation. Upon starting my first year here I decided to dye the right side of my hair white. I thought it looked better than the half and half look. Besides, it was one more way I was different than my brother. Don't get me wrong I love him and all that I just want to be seen as my own person. We were almost exactly alike aside from our sides being reversed and him having a scar over his left eye. I also had a scar on my left arm. Shoto's was from our mother mine however was from our father. I hadn't done something right in his eyes and I suffered the consequences. Since then I have grown and started doing small acts of rebellion like dying my hair or getting my nose pierced. The man would have killed me if he didn't have a purpose for me. Thankfully he hopes me or Shoto will surpass the number one hero, All Might, because he never could. Anyway, me and my brother are currently walking to school at the moment. I had my Bluetooth headphones on full blast while I walked next to Shoto. I always found school boring but maybe this was going to be different since we're doing hero classes. We walked into classroom 1A and I saw a few other students. I sat down in the back of the class next to Shoto and laid my head down. I didn't bring my head back up until I heard a loud ass dude yelling. He had spiky blonde hair and a face I wanted to punch. "Shut up." I mumbled more to myself than the spiky haired kid. I looked around a room and a certain black haired, black eyed boy caught my eye. Well he's kinda cute~ The teacher walked in and my focus went to him. I may not be interested in school but I still wanted to be good at it. The teacher's name was Mr. Aizawa and he seemed very sleep deprived. This teacher may not be that bad... I soon found out that I was very wrong. Instead of going to the welcoming assembly like the rest of the classes Mr. Aizawa had us all do physical tests with our quirks. We all got into our gym clothes and I put my hair up in a low bun. Once we were all outside we started doing little tests. We all worked our hardest because Mr. Aizawa said whoever came in last would be expelled. During one of the tests I was standing on the sidelines watching when the black haired boy walked up. I remembered his name from roll call. It was Hanta Sero. He started up a conversation with me. "Your Mitsuki Todoroki, right?" I nodded and replied, "Just call me Mitsuki, that way it's not confusing." The spiky haired blonde, Bakugou, had just done something very destructive. Sero looked over at him with surprised eyes. "Well he's something special, isn't he?" I chuckled, "He sure is. I wonder what it would be like to fight him..." As time went on me and Sero kept talking and by the end of the tests we were decent friends. I tied with my brother on the rankings and the person who came in last was a kid called Midoriya. He seemed to have a weird quirk, almost as if his body wasn't used to it. But as it turns out Mr. Aizawa did not send anyone home. When we got back to the class me and Sero exchanged numbers and school was over. On the walk home me and Shoto made small talk. Mostly what we thought of the class and their quirks. Shoto commented on my relations with Sero. "So what?? Can't I have friends??" I was on the defensive now. "That's not what I was saying, I was just curious." The rest of the walk was in silence. Later that night I got a text from Sero.

Tape Dispenser:

Heyyyy Why this name...?


It's very fitting

Tape Dispenser:

I- Fine then.

                                   *Tape Dispenser changes your name to Hot Ice Cube*

Hot Ice Cube:

Oh- how delightful...

Me and Sero spent most of the night sending memes and bullying each other. Around one am I got tired and fell asleep thinking school might not be that bad. 

Fire and Ice, Hot and Cold - Hanta Sero x OCWhere stories live. Discover now