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Ever since that Dan died, he don't remember anything about himself . all he knows is that he's dead and dead people are supposed to scare the living ones or take them with them.

He came past a big purple house in a part in the forest and saw a pale guy with black hair come inside the mansion-like place.

Dan thought for a bit if he would scare this boy or not he felt warm when he saw him and had a sick feeling that he can't make this guy scared like the others do ..

Dan went in the house and saw him cooking quietly. and Dan felt the urge to move a chair beside the black haired guy.

"Oh why did I put this here, I'm such a dum dum" the boy slightly facepalmed himself and placed the chair back. Dan smiled is awe then realized what just happened ...


days went on and Dan kept trying to make the black haired boy understand that he's being haunted right now but the boy kept thinking that he was the one who did the placing things out of place and forgets it.

Dan hated himself because he thinks he can't function well as a ghost now, but slowly falling for the cute living boy that is too happy go lucky to notice the weird and creepy stuff he does ..


One day, Dan placed a flower on the boy's table , waiting patiently for the living creature he admires , and is the same gender as him.

Moments later, the boy came back wearing uniforms and a name tag . "Phil. nice name" Dan mumbles to himself ..

Phil saw the purple flower on his table and smiled. he then rushed to get a little vase in a drawer , filled it with water and place the single flower in there.

Phil went pass through Dan without noticing but felt cold instead. he stopped walking and felt confused.. on that very moment , Dan saw Phil's deep blue eyes and thought of an idea ...

the next day, phil saw a little blue flower beside his bed when he woke up and smiled again , placing it with the purple one yesterday . he decided to put the vase beside his favorite spot in the house and started eating cereal while he reads..

seconds later, he felt coldness and when he looked at his vase he saw two more blue flowers beside it and placed it in the vase.

Dan continued this routine and still surprised that the boy still isn't weirded out by anything .


One day, Phil was sat on his favorite place, playing music, twirling the only purple flower in his hands which "magically" appeared on his table before he started getting blue ones ... then the thought hit him.

he then placed the purple flower back to the vase , and closed his eyes.

moments later, Dan came flying with an actual bouquet of different blue flowers then placed it on Phil's dining table. he saw Phil sitting beautifully across the room , still alone and silent.

Phil was about to fall asleep then he felt coldness surround him . he opened his eyes and stopped the music , just enjoying the silence and the unusual coldness but this time, he's feeling it with his heart.

Dan is sat beside him, just staring at Phil's beauty..

"I can feel you" . Dan jumped in surprise .

"you can feel me ? CAN YOU HEAR ME? CAn you see me ?! oh my god , PLEASE TALK TO ME"

Dan then realized that Phil has his arms around himself, and realized phil can't see or hear him but coldness from his dead spirit .

"I'm sorry if I can't hear or see you right now. please don't hurt me"

Dan frowned. "i will never hurt you, Phil. I won't ever-"

"but I know you wouldn't and i think you're a nice ghost" phil continued ..

Dan smiled and suddenly , he felt alive . "are you hugging me? it's so cold" Phil broke Dan's thoughts.

Dan smiled. "cute" .. he then hugged Phil and he shivered.

"Now you're hugging me." dan again smiled in awe to the cute ebony haired mortal .

they stayed there for along time , and Phil still didn't feel weirded out.

Phil felt comfortable and protected , like someone's actually with him ..

The ghost stared at him as he falls asleep in the coldarms of a ghost which he don't even know where and have no idea if he's just asleep sat with the window open..

after a long time, Phil felt warm and woke up to a knock on the door..

"Hi Phil.."

"Um who are you?"

"I was the one who gave you flowers"

"oh ..... i thought it was a ghost ..."

Phil suddenly felt sad, thinking that his irrational relationship with a supernatural isn't real after all ...

the two just stood there in silence, faced down ... then the guy started talking again ...

"it's weird how you can see and hear me now..."

Phil's whole world lit up and jumped towards Dan, hugging him , not feeling weird at all, but felt what he felt earlier.


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