Serious Black sucks: the novel (Sirius "Serious" Black x Lady Gaga)

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One day, while he was sitting in the shrieking shack drinking whiskey, SIRIUS saw Lady Gaga outside. He went to say hi but he was drunk. He fell over and knocked her over too. She was kind of mad because he ruined her bacon dress. "That was like eighty thousand doll


-hairs!" She shouted at him.

"Well you know what they say..." Sirius said then stopped for it was hard to form sentences at that point. "I can give you some dog fur to make up for your loss of doll hairs."

"That is very consider- ah!" Sirius turned into a dog right on top of her.


But it wasn't Sirius Black's regular dog form, no no no. It was the form of a poodle. Because this isn't the Sirius Black we all know and love. This was the lesser known Sirius Black who's name was Serious Black. He was a loser unlike the fabulous Sirius Black we all know and love. Lady Gaga was horrified she was tricked by this imposter of a Sirius Black and proclaimed "I will just go make a prosciutto dress instead that will be worth more money" Serious, once again disappointed by the common mistake that he was in fact Sirius Black, solemnly nodded and drink some more beer. NOt butterbeer, because this isn't the wizarding world, just the real world, where lame Serious Black exists and insane Lady Gaga exists.

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