Even After Death

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It was the middle of the night when Corvis woke up. He sighed as he got up and went down to his kitchen and up to the window in front of the sink, looking out towards the lake. It had been three weeks since his parents passed away in a car accident. He started to tear up thinking about how his mother would caress his face and comb through his hair as he laid his head on her lap when he was younger. 
Corvis was soon rattled from that thought when his dog, Lady, started barking from the landing up at the upper floor hallway. He groaned and went to check what she was barking at, but was shocked to see that his father’s shoes were sitting neatly at the top of the steps like he was standing there.
 He sucked in a breath and crept up the steps. Corvis grabbed the shoes to put them back in the closet where they had been placed just a few minutes earlier. Lady looked up at Corvis and whimpered while slowly walking up the stairs back to the bedroom. He shivered as he closed his door, and slowly fell back onto his bed, pondering on the thought of what had just happened. 
He slowly started to fall back asleep when he heard scratching at the door and looked over toward the door, noticing Lady was still next to him on his bed. His eyesight started to become hazy as a cold sweat formed on his back and a ringing soon started in his ears. 
He stared at the door as a black ooze seemed to seep through the cracks and a long groan echoed in the hall but soon it all disappeared when an angered shriek cut through it. He shuddered, breathing heavily, his knees hugged to his chest, trying to calm himself. Lady pressed her warm wet nose against his forehead to comfort him, and he slowly wrapped his arms around her neck as he buried his face into her soft long, white fur.
 He stayed like that for a couple of minutes before he checked the time. It had been a few hours since he woke up. He sighed in frustration before slowly getting out of bed and shuffling to his bathroom. Corvis stared into his mirror glaring at the bags under his eye. Slowly tears started streaming down his face. He was tired of all the crazy things happening to him. Lady whimpered and propped her head against his leg, knowing it wouldn’t do much. She huffed trotting over to her toy basket grabbing her favorite toy. She trotted back to Corvis and set the toy in his lap to try and comfort him. 
Corvis wiped his eyes to see Lady slowly wagging her tail, looking down in his lap to see her pink and blue shaggy monkey staring back at him. He sniffled, letting out a breathy laugh while picking up the toy. He looked back at Lady and patted her head, he slowly stood up and walked back to his room where the ghosts of his parents were sitting at his window. 
They turned to face Corvis before floating towards him. His father placed a hand on Corvis’s shoulder, while his mother placed a hand against his cheek. They smiled at him apologetically moving towards the door. He followed his parents down to the entrance room. 
They took Corvis’s hands and the front doors blew open as all the negative energy seemed to just disappear. His parents moved towards the doorway as they started fading as if the house was absorbing their energy. The faint glow coming from the whole home was what he could only describe as calming. He thanked them with a saddened rasp and watched as they completely faded away. 
He looked out the door and realized the sun was starting to rise. He went back upstairs and fell onto his bed, realizing he was finally free of the hellish nights he suffered. Passing out a few moments later with a smile on his face, Lady curled up next to him.

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