Chapter 5

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Janet- This is the only thing I hate about traveling  *Yawn*

Celine- You literally slept like 45 minutes because you were watching Tik Tok

Poki- True, that was your fault

Janet- You were supposed to say "Poor Janet, don't worry you will sleep on the plane"

Poki- Then why are you complaining?

Janet- I don't know

Celine- Lets go or we are gonna be late

Janet- Whats the point of getting there 3 hours before our flight?

Poki- So we don't get late

Celine- Exactly

Janet- But 3 hours?!

Celine- Everyone agreed to that, don't complain

Janet- *Groan* Fine

We ordered the Uber and left to the airport, once we got there all of our friends were already waiting for us

Toast- Hello girls

Celine- Hi

Wendy- Ready for Vegas?

Janet- Absolutely

Peter- *Yawn* Yes

Jodi- *Giggle* I'm surprised you're awake Peter

Peter- Me too, trust me

Poki- Who's missing?

John- Since Rae and Yunno are meeting us there the only one missing is Myoung

Poki- Okay

Toast- She's almost here

Janet- Perfect

Celine- I'm gonna start with all that documentation stuff

John- I mean yeah, then we can walk around for more than 2 hours!!! 2 fucking hours!

Peter- I'm gonna sleep

Wendy- Me too

Poki- I'm gonna look around the airport

Janet- Bet

After the wait we boarded the plane and got to Vegas, we rented a limo to take us to our hotel where we checked in and rested before lunch.

Janet- So are we going out tonight?

Poki- Yeah, but for now we stay here

Janet- So I'm stuck with you

Poki- Why you have to make it sound that bad?

Janet- Oh no, I mean...

Poki- Aha

Janet- Its fine, I like the idea of spending time with my roomie

Poki- When are Rae and Sykkuno joining us?

Janet- Wednesday

Poki- I already miss Rae

Janet- Yeah, even tho we've been seeing her a lot, the fact she no longer lives with us just makes me miss her

Poki- But she's happy and that's all that matters

Janet- Yeah

Poki- Plus, we have each other still

Janet- About that....

Poki- What?!

Janet- *Giggle* Nothing, I was kidding

Poki- Oh God, you scared me

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