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Not everyone has a perfect life. You don't need me to tell you that. My life is by no means perfect, but it's not the worst either. I got into the school of pretty much everybody's dreams. Sure it wasn't the course that I wanted, but I hadn't expected to get in the hero course anyway. Maybe I've been living alone since I turned ten, but my parents send me enough money to get by. Well they used to. A month ago they completely stopped sending anything in, which brings us to now. Me sitting at the old wooden desk that used to be my father's, looking at two help wanted ads.

The first one is from Halo Muffins, a small cafe less than a block away from my house. It's owned by the Halo family and is well known for unsurprisingly, their muffins. The other is for Niki's Bakery, a small shop close to UA. It's owned by Niki Nihachu and is famous for beautifully decorated cakes. The two have been fighting for the title of best cafe in Musutafu, Japan since before I can remember. Two bakeoffs are hosted every year for them to duel. The dates change, but it's an event almost the entire town comes to. Mainly because there's a lot of free food. Every worker helps in the preparation and serving of the food at the competition.

Now, I'm about to apply to both and if you can't see the issue I'll explain it. If I get both jobs, I will be expected to help in both bake offs at the same exact time. And if they figure out I work for their biggest competitor, I might immediately lose the job. The thing is, I don't actually have much of a choice. I'm going to need two jobs if I want to pay the bills and get food along with the fact that not many jobs will even hire a fifteen year old and most I don't even qualify for. The last five years I've been cooking for myself, so I actually have more to offer at the cafes than just serving. Meaning I have a much higher likelihood of getting these jobs than I ever did getting into the hero course. Of course I can't give up on that either, all I need is to prove myself at the sports festival and maybe I'll get a chance.

 Both advertisements have a phone number on them, but I don't have a phone. I didn't break it or anything, just never had enough money to get myself one. So, instead of calling to ask first I'm going to have to walk to each place to see if the job's are even still available. And I mean walk, I no longer have any money to spare on public transport. The extra exercise is good for hero training anyway. I pocketed both flyers before heading out the door.

First stop is Halo Muffins since it's only a few minutes walk. It's still afternoon, so I should have time to get to both by the end of the day. The walk is quiet, I live on a pretty run down street. Most of the houses are either completely abandoned or a few of the older neighbors who refuse to leave. It's close enough to a main street that villains hardly show up in fear of heroes, which is nice I guess. Halo Muffins is a bit further down the main street, I can already see the sign. Their logo is a muffin beside three chibi faces that represent each member of the Halo family. Nearing the shop, I can see a help wanted poster in the window. Meaning I still have a chance at the job.

Walking in, it smells absolutely amazing. The only worker to be seen was the one behind the counter. The person was a boy with raven colored hair, only a year or two older than I am. He had a white bandana around his head matching him to one of the chibi faces on the sign. He was a Halo. I walked up to the counter and asked a question I already knew the answer to.

"Are you still hiring?" I would've ordered something too if I actually had the money to afford it. The teenager slightly opened a door to the back and shouted something to whoever was in there.

"DAD, WE GOT A JOB INTERVIEW!" Another Halo quickly appeared from the back and walked up to the counter. This one had pitch black skin and a hood matching another one of the chibi faces.

"Follow me." His voice did not match his appearance. He looked absolutely terrifying, someone who people would automatically assume is a villain. But, his voice was high pitched and might as well be coated in sugar with how sweet it was. When he walked over to a table, I followed no question.

"You can call me Bad. What's your name?" Under his hood you could see a smile perking up. Almost everyone I've ever talked to was scared of my quirk. It's honestly pathetic to say this is probably the closest I've seen to a genuine smile in years.

"Hitoshi Shinso." Am I even prepared for an interview?

"Age? Skills? Why do you want to work here?" He didn't let me answer until after he said the third question.

"15," That was easy, but what should I say for skills. It's not like I'm good at talking to people. "Uhh... I can cook," Should I be honest for the last one? Probably not, but whatever. "And I need money."

"You're hired, when can you start?" WHAT!? Just like that?

"Just like that?!" I didn't actually mean to say that out loud, but oh well.

"Yep, you said you could cook and I could really use some help." Is he the only one who can actually cook here? "Sap burns everything, Geppy acts like a child and refuses to read instructions, and I don't think anyone else has even touched an oven before." He is the only one who can cook here, how has he managed it for this long? I'm going to assume the ones mentioned by name are the other two members of the Halo family.

"I can start tomorrow if you'd like." I would've started today, but I've got to head over to Niki's. Plus tomorrow is Sunday, so there isn't any school.

"Well, it was wonderful to meet you Shinso. See you tomorrow." He stood up and shook my hand, probably the most formal action of this interview.

"See you tomorrow." With that, I walked out and started the trip towards Niki's Bakery.

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All questions, comments, and suggestions are welcome unless you are insulting another reader, than what you say will be deleted. Have a wonderful day/night, hope to see you in the next part. -MZ :]

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