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There's some new people in this part, but who are they?

The interview at Halo Muffins was rather surprising. Yeah I hoped to get the job, but I didn't expect an answer so immediately. I actually got hired, which I can worry about more tomorrow. Now, I need to head to my next destination. Getting to Niki's Bakery took much longer than the previous walk. But, if I were coming right from U.A. it would be pretty much the same.

Walking into the building I immediately could smell the cinnamon buns that a worker was putting on the counter. The worker had fluffy brown hair and skeletal wings. Once he placed them down he retreated back to the kitchen, leaving just the worker behind the counter. This person had orange hair that almost entirely covered a pair of animal ears. He seemed to be around my age and was now eyeing the cinnamon buns.

"Are you guys still hiring?" The boy jumped at my voice, not noticing I walked up. He quickly regained composure and pretended nothing happened.

"Yeah. I can go get someone, if you'd like the job?" I nodded and he walked into the back. The exact moment that door closed, the entrance door opened with the sound of a bell. The entrant was tall and seemed to be trying to just get past without anyone noticing. They walked back to the kitchen no problem, probably just someone who works here. Shortly after, the animal-eared worker returned.

"Just go through that door." He said pointing to a door that was on the other side of the shop, unlike the one he'd just gone through. I nodded and headed towards the door. The only labelling on it was a fancy cursive N. The office had three noticeable things. A nice desk with chairs, a giant fish tank without any fish, and a smiling lady with bubblegum pink hair.

"Hi, I'm Niki Nihachu. What's your name?" As she asked, she pointed toward a chair signalling me to sit down. I pulled the chair out and sat down across from her.

"Hitoshi Shinso." Was this interview going to be as quick as the other one?

"How old are you? And what is your quirk?" Only now do I realize that I was lucky not be asked about my quirk the first interview. It's a common question despite not actually being allowed to use them. It's more a form of small talk, but it's definitely not something I want to talk about. No need for my potential employer to think I'm some villainous monster like everyone else.

"I am 15 and my quirk is-" I paused a moment, should I really tell her? It would be rude not to, but nothing good has ever come from telling people my quirk. "-my quirk is called brainwashing." She let out a quiet shocked noise, but quickly started to smile. No one has ever smiled after telling them my quirk.

"That's so cool!" She calmed a bit before continuing. "You know, my quirk has some similarities." I've never really talked to anyone with a similar quirk. Did people also say she was going to be a villain? "I don't know how yours works, but I am able to control people by singing." She talked so freely about it, embracing who she is. That's like what the preschool teachers used to say to us. They always said to never be ashamed of your quirk. Though they were pretty hypocritical, as they'd insult our quirks just as much as the other students. At least my preschool teachers did, along with most of my other teachers. 

"I can do it with my voice." That was all the information I was going to give. It seemed to make her happy.

"We really are one in the same." She smiled and then continued. "You're hired." She said it in a way that you knew it was final, but why? She knows nothing about me career abilities wise, so why? She seemed to catch on to my confused look.

"You're a nice kid and it'd be nice to have you work here. Plus-" She got quieter and sounded almost wistful. "-you could be his friend." The nearer it got to the end the more it sounded like a whisper. A message not really meant for me. She looked slightly startled by her own words and shook her head.

"Is it alright if you come in on Monday whenever you're done with school? We can talk about your schedule then." I nodded, not paying much attention. I was more focused on what she said. Who was she talking about?

The walk home seemed to go by in seconds. Maybe it was because I was happy. Maybe because I was finally able to accomplish one of my goals. Maybe, maybe it was because I finally don't feel alone. To see somebody have a quirk similar to my own and actually be happy about it was foreign, but definitely inspiring.

I'm no lower than others. I'm no more villainous. I will become a hero and show people that a certain quirk doesn't just make you a villain. Nor will a certain one make you a hero. So, embrace your quirk and learn to use it for what you want, not what others say. A message I can be proud of. I don't care if I'm some symbol of peace. I just want to be a hero, accomplish my dream. All I need is to climb the first step, getting into the hero course.

I crashed into my bed. The hero course can wait.

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