FBI Bugs

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It turns out the bugs were FBI bugs and they were investigating Steven Morton for Federal charges against him and they are transferring him to federal prison today and we are making sure he arrives there with help from his friends. Mr Grey doesn't quite trust that a transfer will go well not with this guy. So here we are shadowing a van that supposedly has Morton in it. We didn't see him being put into it and we can't see inside the van to look.
Any news about where they are taking him to?
No noise about him at all. I think it is a set up. We need to get back to the Randall home.
We get someone at the gate wanting to see me, but I tell John to tell them I am not home. They used the Steele name is why I knew it was bogus. We decide to go to the safe rooms and monitor everything and call Sawyer that we had someone wanting to see Anastasia Steele. They were told she wasn't here.
We get someone else wanting Anastasia Morton. I tell them there has never been an Anastasia Morton living here. Whoever you are there are no women here at this time. All of them are out shopping. Five minutes later we get someone asking to give us an estimate for lawn care. I tell them our gardener would be very insulted if he had heard someone wanted to clean up his very impeccable lawns. I ask him to leave. Five minutes later Sawyer calls and gives us the password. He says something odd after the password that triggers Anastasia into pulling her gun and taking the safety off. She tells the others to stay in the safe rooms. Then I realized he called her miss Adams.
John and six security along with me backing them up check the exterior of the house and the gates. I call GEH and ask for Jason Taylor and inform him that Sawyer is here at my home and is in trouble. Not long after that our place is surrounded by Police cars and more keep coming along with FBI agents. Soon we see that Sawyer is being taken away on a gurney and three cops are being arrested and one cop is on a gurney handcuffed to it. Then  I hear Stephen Morton throwing a fit. He is being taken away by the FBI. Ryan Reynolds comes in after calling me to allow him in the gates and for us to stand down. Christian Grey follows Jason Taylor and six security and five FBI agents. They need to chat with Eloise Morton. We put our guns in our holster.
Jim Linwood asks me all kinds of questions while James hugs me like I am going to disappear in a second. Emily finally gets him to come to her and she plays with him where he can see me at all times. Mr Linwood asks me about any illegal dealings Stephen was into. I tell him that I was never allowed to see bills much less money he barely fed us. But he sure used me as a punching bag. They see the remnants of the black eyes and then see James's bruises.
Agent Linwood
Did Morton do that to you both? How old is your son?
Almost three and yes he starved us quite often. We finally got free of him I thought.
Agent Linwood
Do you have any of the contents of your old house? If so can we look at it?
I take them into James room first and they find a place in his dresser and open it up and I am asked to leave the room so they can check things out and videotape it as they do.
Agent Linwood
Who starves their wife and child that badly. Let's get all this on tape and bag and tag everything. Have these things removed and see to it everything is re placed with better furniture and clothing and toys. We inform Mrs Morton and she asks to keep the book and his stuffed toy.
They check both of them and allow us to keep them. But then he says he needs to X-ray the stuffed toy, but I will return if it is empty.
Agent Linwood
We get the keys to the storage area and take everything to have it logged into evidence. I X-ray the stuffed animal and it was a good thing I did. Morton hide usb drives inside its ears and head. We would never had thought it could be there. I buy a new stuffed toy for the baby boy. We drop the keys off to Mrs Morton and I give her the stuffed animal. James loves it, apparently it is his favorite toy. They have already gotten things back to normal in his room and her room. I give her my number if she has any questions at all. She doesn't have a phone so I take her sisters number and miss Randall's number as well. John gives me his number as well. We have a good case against Morton and the four cops and now three more friends of his. There is no doubt that Eloise Morton knew nothing about what her scumbag husband was up to. I asked her if she would release her medical records and she agrees to let me for both her and her son.
Agent Linwood ca me by to inform me that they had to keep all my things from the storage and the other things in the house. He hands me a check for six thousand dollars for my things and I look at him and cry.
Agent Linwood
Isn't that enough?
That is three times what things were worth. He hands me my photo albums all of James and me that Emily took and gave me a photo album. Steven was never really a husband or a father. We weren't a family at all. James and I were the only members of that family. Now I have my real family back with me. James comes and thanks Agent Linwood for his new books and new things.
Agent Linwood
I say he is welcome and James wants him to see everything and takes his hand.
It's then I notice he has no wedding band.
Agent Reed
You gave her money from your own pocket and bought all those things for her and the boys room you softhearted man.
Agent Linwood
I was once that boy and my mother was once that mother. Someone we both know very well did the very same for me and my mom and he gave me my last name. I asked her to call if she would like to talk about anything. I get a call and it is John.
Eloise wants to cook you dinner to thank you for everything you did for her and her son but please don't hurt her.
Agent Linwood
I won't, I was once that young boy so I will never hurt either of them. What time will be good? They set Saturday and a bbq outside starting at noon.

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