Chapter one - The big boss

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A/N: Hi guys! So this is my first ever story on wattpad, please be gentle with me. I have published two stories on already one of which I might post on here as well. Also my first language is not English so please forgive me for any mistakes that I might make regarding grammar or the language in general. Obviously this story is about seddie and what the future holds for them. It takes place 10 years after the end of iCarly and Sam and Cat happened, although it's not that important. I hope you enjoy the story, please give me some feedback, that'd be highly appreciated (:

~ * Freddie * ~

I sit at my desk on an oddly comfortable chair. I bought the chair two weeks ago. It's been a while since I had a comfortable place to sit at work. I stare at the computer in front of me blankly as I feel extremely unfocused. That's alright though cause I finished most of my work for today already.
Since a couple years I'm the boss of ICT company 'The Increase'. I started it myself 2 years after I finished college. At the beginning it was extremely hard work. I barely had any money and I only had two other people working for me. It was hard to get a good loan from the bank and in the first year I had the company I made big loss. But eventually the company started to get more popular and I was able to raise all the prices a bit, causing my big loss to turn into big profit and being able to hire more people. Now we're one of the biggest ICT companies in Seattle and I'm quite proud of what I've accomplished the past years. I guess that American idea of hard work pays of really is accurate.
I unbutton the two buttons on my blazer and loosen my tie a bit before standing up and opening a window. Man it's hot in here during mid summer. I walk into the hallway and over to the coffee machine, pushing a button to get myself an espresso. Yes I do have an assistant actually, but no I don't let her bring me coffee and other beverages. That's a little old-fashioned and un-emancipated if you ask me. And also I really don't mind walking a bit and taking a small break from sitting behind a desk all day. No my assistant only plans and manages my meetings and stuff like that for me. She's a nice woman. I take the cup off coffee from the machine and start to walk back to my office, greeting some people as I walk passed them. I walk back into my office and put the cup of coffee down on my desk before taking off my blazer and hanging it over my chair. It's too hot in here, I really need to buy a good fan.
I sit back down on my chair and look outside of the window, smiling at the peaceful sight in front of me. I personally find the area the company is in amazing. It's not surrounded by other huge companies and skyscrapers. Just a couple flats, houses and a primary school across the road, perfect if you ask me. I'm not really the type of guy who enjoys being in crowded places. Therefore I was more than happy that after college I went back to Seattle and eventually start the company here instead of in some huge city like Dallas or New York.
I pick up my phone off my desk and check it for new messages. I smirk as I read three messages from Drew, my best friend. I met Drew when I was in college. We were in a lot of the same courses and kind of just clicked naturally. We realized we had a very alike background and many same interests which caused a great bond between us. After college we both went our different ways but we kept in touch. We actually see each other at least once a week. It's great to know that even though we both have a pretty busy life we still make time for each other. I hadn't had a friend like that since... Well... Carly and Sam. And Spencer and Gibby of course.
I sigh quietly as I think back of my high school years. It seems like ages ago. And even though high school on its own wasn't that great for me, I really enjoyed it thanks to Carly and Sam. And I guess kind of thanks to Gibby too. He was weird but he had a good heart.
I remember when Carly left to live with her dad in Italy. It was really strange for me, Sam and Gibby not having Carly around. Not doing iCarly anymore also felt weird, it was like there was an empty space in my life that couldn't be filled by anything else. After Carly had left, Sam and I started to drift apart a little. I guess not doing iCarly anymore made both of us feel kind of awkward to hang out together, just the two of us. I have to admit that I missed being around her. Of course we saw each other at school and we'd talk every now and then, but it was far from how we used to be.
Our prom wasn't exactly how I imagined it either. I had been hesitating to ask Sam as my date, just as friends since I figured it would be awkward if I didn't, but eventually was too much of a wimp to do it. And on top of that she got asked by Joe, one of the most popular Rugby players of Ridgeway. And of course she didn't refuse that offer. I got asked by this girl I barely knew from my history class, and since I didn't think anyone else would ask me, which was the case, I went with her. Prom in general was okay I guess but I never imagined it without Carly and with Sam not paying any attention to me. I was glad when it was over and when finally graduation day came around. I got offered an amazing scholarship for a great technology college in San Fransisco. It was a chance that I couldn't just not take. It was a hard decision to leave my mom and my whole life behind in Seattle, but I had to take the chance. I had always dreamed of going to a college like that and on top of that I needed the scholarship cause I didn't have any money.
So after over two months of summer break I packed my bags and left off for San Fransisco. My mom felt heartbroken that I left. I didn't want to hurt her but I knew it was time for me to finally go my own way. And after about 4 months at college I was really glad I made that choice. I settled in and being surrounded by lots of other tech geeks like me, I finally felt like I fitted it. I made more good friends than I could've ever dreamed of in high school and I really enjoyed all the courses I was taking. But after all I did miss my family and my friends in Seattle and therefore I was also pretty excited about the fact I could move back after I got my master degree.
I turn my face back to my computer screen and frown slightly as I see it's almost 5p.m. already. Wow I guess I was pretty stuck in my thoughts. Time to go home. I smile as I stand up and put my blazer back on before collecting my stuff and putting them in my inside pocket. I switch off all the computers and lights in the room before walking out. "See you tomorrow guys!" I say to my co-works as I head to the door. "Don't forget to switch off all electronics and lights." I smile as I walk out the door and over to my car, waving at some other leaving co-workers as they walk to theirs. I get into my car and put on my seatbelt before turning on the radio, starting the engine and driving away. Home time!

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