Chapter three - A colorful surprise

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~ * Freddie *~

I stand up from my couch as I look up at the clock and see it's a few minutes before 9. I've been thinking about the girl at Dinoo's all day. Could it really have been Sam?

I look in the mirror and fix my hair before picking up my wallet and phone and putting them in the inside pocket of my jacket. I guess I should forget about it. It's nearly impossible that the girl was Sam right? She moved to L.A and she had nothing to come back for. Besides, we all used to live on the other side of Seattle, so what would she be doing here?

I grab my car keys on the way to the door and then walk out, closing and locking the door behind me. Why can't I just get her off my mind? Why do I even still care so much? We haven't had any contact for over 7 years already, why is this affecting me so much?

I sigh and walk down to my car, getting into it. For now, let's just try to forget about it and have a good time. I start my car and drive away towards Drew's place.

As I get there I honk a few times, waiting for him to come out. That's what we always do cause I mean why walk to the door? I smirk slightly to myself and then see Drew coming out, slightly waving at him.

"Hey man." He says as he gets into my car at the passenger's side. "You ready to have a good time?"

"Yup!" I reply, "should be fun." I smile and then start my engine, driving away. "So where do I go?"

I go ahead and drive as Drew tells me the directions. "We're meeting the others there right?"

"Yup." Drew replies.

I nod and smile. "Alright. So what happened to your car? Are you getting it fixed?"

"Yeah it's in repair. Some idiot bumped into me when I was slowing down for a car in front of me. I'm lucky I have insurance cause he wouldn't even take the time to properly talk to me."

"That sucks. People nowadays don't take the time for anything. But your insurance covers the costs then?"

"Yeah, luckily."

"Good. Was it bad?"

Drew nods. "700 bucks. My whole back window was smashed."

"Wow. I'm sorry."

"Yeah it's alright. At least I have you to drive me around right?" He pats my shoulder and grins slightly.

I shake my head and chuckle slightly. "Yeah. Lucky you." I smirk slightly and continue to drive until we reach the festival terrain.

I get out of my car and lean against it, looking at Drew. "Should we wait for the others before we go in?"

"Yeah that's probably a good idea. It's crowded in there, they won't be able to find us."

I nod. "Alright. What'd you do today?"

"Well I just got my car into repair obviously." He smirks slightly and shrugs. "And nothing special after that."

"Same. I went to Dinoo's to have breakfast this morning and then I saw this girl...-"

"Wow Benson you saw a girl! Good story bro." Drew laughs softly.

I roll my eyes. "I wasn't finished talking." I smirk and continue to talk. "So I only saw her back but she really looked like someone I used to know..." I decide not to tell him that it was Sam, the only girl in my life I ever was hopelessly in love with. "I swear it was an old friend but before I could go up to her she already left."

"Oh right. Was it an old high school friend?"

"Yeah." Still not gonna tell him that we were a lot more than just friends or even best friends.

"Well, is she from Seattle?"

"She is but she left to L.A. She could've come back though... I haven't spoken her in like 7 years."

"Wow. That's a pretty long time. Why haven't you?"

I sigh and shrug. "I don't know... I guess the distance didn't do us well. Besides, things were kinda complicated between us at the time."

"How come?"

Well shit. Now I had to tell him things.

"Doesn't matter... We just had a rare friendship."

"A rare friendship as in?" Drew smirks slightly.

I roll my eyes slightly and look at him. "Stop. I don't wanna talk about it."

Drew chuckles slightly. "Well at least tell me her name."

"Sam. Samantha actually but she hated when people called her that." I smile and then smirk slightly as I think about it.

Drew smirks too as he watches me. "Alright. You two dated at some point didn't you?"

I sigh as I look at him. Okay he realized. No point in hiding that anymore now. "How'd you know?"

"Dude you're smiling like crazy talking about her. It's almost as if you're still in love with her." He smirks.

I bite my lip. Am I that obvious? You would say that after more than 7 years of no contact with her I would be over her... But I have to say honestly that when she left I felt heartbroken. For a pretty damn long time. I still loved her. I loved her so much.

"Of course not I haven't seen her in over 7 years." I smirk, slightly nervously and hoping he won't ask me any more about Sam.

"Okay whatever you say." Drew chuckles slightly and then waves at our friends when he sees them walking over to us.

I let out a relieved sigh. I don't feel like sharing everything about Sam and me and how I felt about her with Drew. I'm a guy, we don't do that shit.

I wave at our friends too and smile when they get to us. "Hey guys. Excited for tonight?"

"Hell yeah!" Jeff says as he smirks slightly. "Let's go inside."

I smirk back slightly and nod, walking onto the terrain with everyone. Been a little while since I've been to an event like this. I've been pretty busy with work lately but I've got more time again now.

I look around. Wow it really is crowded in here. But everything looks awesome. This should be a fun night.

I walk over to a stand with everyone to get a drink. I don't usually drink a lot. And I don't plan on doing that tonight either. I hate the damage alcohol causes in all aspects. And besides, I need to drive back home tonight. But a few beers won't hurt. I have to loosen up a little bit or everyone will laugh at my horrible dancing skills.

The time goes by fast. I dance and sing along to the songs being performed with my friends. Such a fun night. I forgot how great it is to have good times like this. It's nearly 4:30 a.m and the festival is starting to come to an end. I smirk as I look at Dave and Jeff who have obviously drank way too much and watch them jump around a say stuff that don't make sense at all.

I walk over to Drew and nudge his shoulder. Hey thanks for bringing me here. I had such a great night.

I smirk as Drew replies, sounding a little tipsy. "Nooo problem man!" He puts his arm on my shoulder and we jump to the music together.

I walk closer to the stage after they announce the last performance. I enjoy the music and smirk slightly as they throw confetti in all colors on the crowd with those special shooting guns.

I chuckle slightly as me and the girl next to me get completely covered in confetti and smirk, turning to her. "Hey that confetti looks surprisingly good on you."

The girl chuckles slightly. "Thank you."

I recognize that voice out of thousands... I feel a shock go through my whole body as the girl turns to me and I look at her face.

I look into her ocean blue eyes quickly and gulp, feeling numb for a minute and then feeling a million feelings at once.

Sam. Sam Puckett standing right in front of me...

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2015 ⏰

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