Chapter 1

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Sasuke closed the door behind him carefully and let out a breath. He turned around, in the process of putting on his coat. He had gotten one arm in, when he saw Neji walking towards him in the corridor. He smiled, "Neji, m' man, what's up?" He finished putting on his coat and thumped Neji on his shoulder.

"Where the hell have you been? I've been looking everywhere for you. Well – more like Itachi was looking for you, and I got roped into it as usual"

Sasuke still continued to smile. Neji followed, suspicious. The only time when Sasuke smiled like that was right after –

Sasuke clapped a bell boy, who was crossing them, on the shoulder and pressed a wad of bills into his hand. He jerked his head towards the door he had just come out from, "Hey kid, call a cab for the lady after she wakes up" He paused "– and make sure she gets home safe."

The boy was all smiles. There'd be plenty of money left over for him after the cab. He beamed at Sasuke,"Yes sir, Mr. Uchiha" Sasuke was, after all, a regular customer in their hotel. He hurried to do Sasuke's bidding.

Neji stopped, horrified. "Were you just – " he spluttered in disbelief, " Were you having sex just now? " Sasuke just smiled at him and continued walking, adjusting his coat on his shoulders. Neji looked at his own shoulder, completely disgusted. Another shirt I'll have to burn.

The first thing Sasuke saw after entering Itachi's office was, of course Itachi. Who was, of course livid. Sasuke could tell. He could also tell that Itachi was going to try his damnedest not to lose his temper in front of Sasuke. Not if I can help it. Sasuke made it his personal mission for the next half an hour to make Itachi lose his cool. "I'm glad you could finally join us "

Sasuke smiled. "You're welcome.

"What were you doing?" Sasuke could see Itachi's jaw muscles working, gritting his teeth.

"Fucking." Sasuke mock frowned and continued "– But I couldn't miss the meeting, job comes first after all, so here I am." He finished with arms spread.

"The meeting is tomorrow Sasuke." He noticed Itachi's eyebrow twitching and continued on.

"Tomorrow? Are you sure?"

Itachi's chest rose and fell with the deep calming breaths he was taking. "Yes Sasuke, the meeting that got over two hours ago, was today. The follow up meeting is tomorrow. I told your secretary to inform you"

"Hn, she didn't tell me that"

"If not her job, then what was your assistant doing?"

Sasuke smirked, "Me"

Itachi stood up finally, fuck staying in control, "Don't you care about the company affairs at all?"

"Of course I do, I start them after all."

Itachi swallowed, determined not to let Sasuke get to him, "You are going to be in the meeting tomorrow, yes"

It didn't sound like a question, and Sasuke didn't like that. "Well, since I wasn't in the first meeting, there's no sense in coming to the follow up" And with that, he walked out, hearing Itachi throw his paperweight at the door an instant before he closed it. Sasuke smirked. Mission accomplished.

Sasuke was in his office, his feet crossed on top of his desk and leaning back on his comfortable but cost effective ergonomic chair. Contrary to general opinion, Sasuke didn't like to flaunt his wealth. He hated all of his pompous so called blood relatives. Except his dear Mama, the only one who actually gave a fuck about Sasuke's happiness. Sasuke was sure that the only reason he hadn't been disowned so far was because his father couldn't bear the thought of breaking his mother's heart. His father however, would love nothing more than to throw him out on his disrespectful ass.

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