Can't Help Falling - Bang Chan

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It was a rainy night. The stars were hiding behind some grey clouds while the moon was shining brightly. Your silhouette could be seen on the balcony as his eyes never left your figure. Mesmerized how beautiful you looked in the shining moonlight while the scent of fresh rain filled his nostrils and the half dark room. He took a deep breath as he slowly moved through both your bedroom and made his way behind you, his arms finding their way around your waist, surprising you with the sudden gesture.

You could feel his breath on your neck as he started trailing kisses from your earlobe and down to your revealed shoulders. You were still wearing the dress you had chose just for him and for the lovely dinner he had taken you out for. While he was leaving more kisses on your neck, he didn't miss to breath in your sweet scent that was his absolute favorite. You smelled like home to him. His home.

You placed your hands on top of his that were still around your waist, and held him tight, not planning to let go anytime soon. You could smell his cologne from how close he was to you as these little kisses that he was leaving on your neck were making you weak in your knees. You had always loved the way he made you feel so loved with every little thing he does but these neck kisses had to be your favorite of all.

Chan's lips had left your neck a while ago as you both were now just standing there, watching the falling rain as it calmed down the both of you. You two had actually met in the rain and it was the one thing that had always made you think if each other. You, yourself, had actually hated the rain before meeting him and now you could never in a million years think about hating this weather.

The sound of soft music playing from the inside of your bedroom could be heard and it was the most beautiful, comforting moment to the both of you. Holding each other in your arms in a, not awkward, but a comfortable silence that you both enjoyed. As the one song that was playing came to an end, another one started playing and it was that one song that the both of you loved and adored.

As "I Can't Help Falling In Love" starts playing, both of you share a look and a smile before Chan let's you go from his arms and turns you around as now you were facing his gorgeous face. He towered over you, looking at you with so much love in his eyes and offers his hand for you to take.

"Care for a dance my lady?" he asks with a soft tone. You put your hand in his, nodding your head a 'yes'. He pulls you closer to him as your front is pressed against his now. His one hand founds it's way back around your waist as the other one was intertwined with your soft hand. You both started slow dancing in the space of your room.

You were softly humming to the song with your eyes closed and a smile on your face, as Chan was smiling down at you, his eyes never leaving your beautiful face. He has been thinking for the whole night how much of a lucky man he was, having a beautiful and loving wife all to himself. He had been asking himself what he did to deserve such a wonderful person that has always and will always be there for him through light and dark.

The only thing he knew was that you were his number one priority and that he was going to look after you like an expensive, glass ballerina doll. You were his one and only, the one that will carry his children, the one he was gonna start a family with. The one he would love till death.

You on the other hand couldn't believe that the man in front of you is your husband. The one everyone loved and fought for and now here you are, slow dancing with the love of your life. Him. He has been there through everything and the hardest periods of your life and you had lived through them with him and his support. He was the one who never left you alone or has left you forever as everyone did. Even your own family left but he... he stayed.

He saved you and you had saved him. Getting together was the best decision both of you had made because you truly have been happy ever since you both had met under the warm summer rain. Ah, that moment will never be forgotten and would definitely be told to their love children in the future.

The song was nearing it's end, the both of them had slowing their moves. As the song ended, you shared a loving kiss and you had relaxed in his arms as you put your head on his chest, now your nostrils filling up with his scent once again. His arms circled around your body, engulfing you.

"Thank you Channie." You say, your voice a whisper but loud enough for Chan to hear.
"For what sweetheart?" He asked as he kissed the crown of your head.
"Everything. I couldn't make it without you. I'm so glad to have you in my life." Your voice a little louder now. He put his head on top of yours as his small smile grew.
"My beautiful wife. I have to be the one thanking you. You made life easier and I finally have someone to lean on and come back home to, to love."

You looked up at him, staring into his loving eyes. Your eyes were now filled with tears, ready to fall down while his were glistening. As you blinked a single tear rolled down your cheek and on the floor. Chan's hand had rested on your cheek now holding your face as his thumb caressed the side of your eye to prevent you from crying. "Happy anniversary darling.." His voice a deep whisper.

Your lips were sealed with his as you both moved in sync. Your hands now around his neck, pulling closer but no matter how close he was to you, you wanted to feel him more. You back had met the mattress of your king sized bed, as Chan held himself up on his arms on both your sides to not put his weight on you.

One hand had traveled to the sides of your dress and started to slowly lower your straps laying a little down from your shoulders. Lips moving down to your collarbone, you helped him undress you as you helped him get out of the white shirt he had worn that night. Both of your hands softly touching each other's bodies, excited to experience the moment that was about to happen.

In this moment nothing else mattered. Nothing. These kind of moments where you just love each other after pouring out your love. In these kind of moments you both can't help but fall more in love with each other, if that's even possible but it didn't matter. What mattered was that the both of you had love that will never die and now both of you were ready to share that love with another gem that was gonna bless your lives.



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