"Bad boy, good lips" - Hyunjin

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"You're coming tonight right?"
I groan into the phone, making Mia laugh. "For what? To get ditched by you to go makeout with the guy of your dreams? Didn't he invite you only?" I ask her as I closed my open window in my room. "No? He specifically said bring your friend too." I sigh knowing if I don't say yes to going to the party she will come over and drag me there and i do not want that. "You know what? Fine. But if it gets on boring I'm leaving."

"Boo you boring ass." she said before she hangs up. "Not even a thank you." I scoff and put the phone down before it lits up again with a ting, indicating I've received a message. Opening my phone again a small smile creeps upon my face.


If Mia found out about us secretly talking she would kill me but I don't care. He was seen as somehow the bad boy of our small town, all kinds of talks about him but after meeting him I didn't believe sh¡t. He wasn't like any of this rumors but he had that aura and energy of a bad boy. Maybe I'm a sucker for them. Sure, it was no secret he had lots of hookups before and maybe now too but how he talks to me and remembers little things about me... he's got me hooked, that's all I know.

H: You're goin to the party tonight right?
Y: Yeah or Mia will drag me there so I have no other option.

He didn't reply after that, guessing he was probably at work. Leaving my phone I stand up and take a shower before closing my outfit for tonight. I settled on some baggy ripped jeans and a black corset top. I plopped on my bed and checked my phone to see if he has replied but nothing. Sighing, I closed my eyes. Soon after I hear my phone ring again. "JESUS CHRIST MIA I CANT GET SOME FUCKING REST!" I yell before picking up.

"WHAT?" I say. "Well hello to you too darling." My jaw drops realizing it was Hyunjin. "Oh god I'm so sorry Hyun." I'm trying so hard not to hit my head against the wall right now. So embarrassing.
Hearing a chuckle he says "It's okay, I just wanted to hear your voice." he says and I hum. "How are you? How's work?" I ask him. "Boring. I'd rather be with you right now." And there he goes again, he really knows how to break my walls.

I giggle and sat up on my bed. "You're welcome to come here whenever, even after work." I say. "I know." he hums and soon he has to go again but promises to see me at the party.

Time went by and I found myself at a club full of people. Mia was next to me talking about how hot Chan was tonight but I was looking around, trying to find someone in the crowd.
"Who are you looking for huh?" Mia asks as she nudges my shoulder. "No one. Just looking around for Chan so he can take your ass because I'm so done hearing about him." I say sarcastically making her roll her eyes.

And finally her eyes caught the glimpse of his figure. Black ripped pants with some chains on it, a loose shirt lazily tucked into it and a leather jacket just to complete his bad boy look, and I absolutely loved it. "I think I saw Chan over there maybe you'll get lucky." I say and push her. Thank god she believed because I was him walk towards where I was. Soon enough his hands were on my waist as I hugged him.

"You look amazing love." he said loud enough for you to hear. The music was loud and it was hard to talk. "Thank you." I replied as I tried to hide yet another smile but failed. He laughed as he caressed my cheek. "I'll get some drinks, you go and have fun." he winks.
And I did. I went to the dance floor and started moving to the beat of the music. I saw Mia and Chan and as I locked eyes with Mia I winked at her and she smiled.

I was so into dancing that I didn't see a random dude trying to get closer to me until I didn't feel him behind him, his hands ready to grab my waist but I moved away a but as I gave him a weird look. "Oh c'mon, don't be like that girlie." he was probably way older than me and I was clearly uncomfortable with his words too. "Look I don't think my boyfriend would like this so please leave me alone." and I turned to the other side and danced but he didn't give up. His hands actually grabbed my waist and I tried to get them off.

Before I could kick him, he was already on the floor with another person on top of him, punching him. "HYUNJIN STOP! NO!" I yelled and tried to get him off but nothing. He could get in trouble as he always does and I hated that. He knew that too. "HYUNJIN JUST STOP."
"FUCKING TOUCH HER AGAIN I DARE YOU, YOU SICK BITCH!" After that Chan finally pulled him off as i grabbed his hand immediately and dragged him outside.

"WHAT WERE YOU THINKING?!" I said, tears finally escaped my eyes. His gaze softened as he wiped my tears away. His knuckles were bloody and bruised but he didn't seem to care. "Don't cry love please. I can't stand it." he said. I shook my head and grab his hand off me. I looked up at him with teary eyes and he inched closer, finally kissing my lips. His hands on my waist as mine were around his neck. Soon enough he had me pressed against the club's wall.

Pulling away for a breath he let go of me. I lay my bead on his chest "Let's go home. Stay at mine tonight please." I whisper up at him. He nods and soon we were on his bike, speeding home. Once we arrived and settled in my room I took care of his bruised hands as he stayed still before he brings me into another kiss, and now we were all tangled up in my bed, pulling each other as close as we could.

Mia would kill me knowing I'm dating the bad boy of town but could she blame me? He was everything I looked for and he was so much more than people thought of him. Plus, he had good lips. Bad boy, good lips...



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⏰ Last updated: Dec 27, 2022 ⏰

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