chapter 1. Popular girl x dorky girl

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The next week I found myself trying even harder to look pretty, I took two strings of hair from the front and tied them at the back adding a little black bow at their connection, I wore a wine-red Peter Pan collared velvet dress with white socks and Mary Janes and a black cardigan, my friend Jada said I looked childish, but I tried to brush it off

Jada was like that, it sometimes bothered me but overall I never said anything, maybe because she was my "best friend" or maybe because she was the only person I was actually close to, since I didn't truly like the rest of my friends, there were five of us, Jada, Esther, Kathy, Fabiola and me, I first met Fabiola in seventh grade, she made me feel stupid and lame, but she said she could help me to "stop being insecure" something I didn't knew I was until she said so, so I stuck with her, then Kathy tagged along, Fabiola brought her in and instantly showed her preference over me, even though I had been her friend for the longest, but it didn't matter, at least they understood each other and they let me be, then when we got to eight grade Esther was adopted by the other two, I actually liked Esther at first, she talked to me and we gossiped together, we even hung out just the two of us a couple of times, but she changed eventually, perhaps out of fear Kathy and Fabiola would drop her from the group; then lastly there was Jada, she had joined the group freshman year, there was something to Jada's energy that attracted everyone towards her, every girl wanted to be her best friend and every boy was secretly in love with her, I know this is going to make me sound like the worst, but sometimes even I was a little jealous of Jada, the fact that she was new in town only helped to make her more mysterious and exciting, so before anyone could claim her, Kathy threw herself at Jada and asked her to sit with us at lunch, she accepted and the rest is guessable

I walked in early to the classroom that day, it was such a shame that I only had that class twice a week and so apart from the other, why the fuck was it a shame? It was just a filler class, I felt so ridiculous being all dolled up for the class, did it had to do with Sophie? Why would it have ANYTHING to do with a random dork I saw once? Why was I still thinking about her? What the fuck?

A knock on the door freed me from my thoughts, the door opened and guess who walked in, of fucking course, Sophie. I was way too nervous to actually look at her, I didn't even knew how her face truly looked like until a weeks later, still I took a quick glance of her outfit, just to see something of her, she wore lighter jeans but still that same straight cut, since it was colder outside she had a pink sporty hoodie that had some random brand logo at the front, and of course her gray dad sneakers, this time with white long cotton socks underneath

Sophie did not even acknowledge me, she passed right though me and my meticulously thought outfit, I felt so bad I couldn't help but sigh, I would keep asking questions like why do I feel this way? Or what is this? But I think I've made my point, I was confused about my feelings towards her

The class started and I got my head into the class, although it was hard not to wonder off and think about what Sophie might thinking in that exact moment, it was easier since she was behind me, I think if she wasn't I would be staring at her the whole class, NO, no I would not... anyways

As I fought with myself over if I was an absolute idiot and was developing a crush on the random girl or not, the professor asked something I did not hear, but I sure heard the one who answered his question

-"this reminds me, I read one time in a book that explained something along the lines on how philosophers were held at such high level back in Plato's time, they were considered almost like gods, so much that the whole perception of them and their actions were completely excused, like for example, if two philosophers had sex it wouldn't be condemned like it is nowadays, they were held at such standard that this was seemed more like "masters sharing a bed" other than an affair, almost as if they were so wise the fact of having intercourse was like them exchanging brain juices instead of-"

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