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Brooke woke long before either brother, with the
feeling of dread in her stomach. Her entanglement
with them, however, meant that she was prevented
from moving. Instead she choose to stare at the
ceiling for what feels like hours, letting her anxious
thoughts run through her mind.

"Good morning" Cillian mumbles having
just awoken to find his counterpart wide awake and
deep in thought. A part of him hopped that it was
of him but he knew better.

Brooke rolls her head to look at him but doesn't return a reply.

He grips her jaw tightly, his eyes still a soft blue sulken into its frame.

"What do we say when someone says good morning?"

Her reaches up, circling around his wrist to try and relieve the pressure, "good morning"

As soon as the words were said, his hold relinquished, going instead to rest by his pillow.

"Look at this lug" he comments, reaching over and pushing Tom's arm from around her waist. Instantly allowing her breath back, "no wonder you couldn't sleep. We'll have to get a bigger bed"

"That wasn't it" she bites.

Cillian bites his tongue at first. Taken aback by her attitude.

"Well good. It's a bit of a bother" he turns to his back, looking up to the ceiling.

His hand  reaches across, still staring up, to gently meet hers laying on the soft mattress.

The two remain there, in silence, for a little while
before Cillian retracts his hand.

"Don't wake Tom" Cillian demands, rising.
Once standing he grips brookes wrist and begins to
gently tug to indicate that she should follow him.
She does as he asks, letting him lead her out of the
bedroom by his hold.

He releases her once out of the hall way and she
follows him to the kitchen. Taking a sit at the table while he goes into the kitchen, taking the juice from the fridge and two glasses.

He take a sit across from her, like the first day they had ever met. The interview has stated again, only this time there was a fate worse then rejection on the line.

"Did you sleep ok?" He asks the girl refusing to look at him.
She nods her head in return, her eyes wondering across the apartment.

"We've only just moved in, so it's a little bare. It'll begin to feel more like home when you can put your own feminine touch to it. I'll have a box of decorations for you put together, and you can have your pick. Anything particular you'd like?"

"What time is it?" She instead asks.

"Clocks, perhaps?"

Brooke felt angry at his preposition,
"I am not going to decorate your fucking house for you"

Cillian leans forward on the table, beckoning brooke to come closer with his index finger. She refuses however, remaining far away.

"You seem nervous, brooke. Have you done something wrong?" He taunts, "I am not going to hurt you unless you've done something wrong"

"You know that this is insane, don't you? Aren't you the smart one?"

With one swift kick, the chair she sits on is knocked backwards with her in tow. The sudden impact winds her and she is left gasping on the floor trying to regain her breath.

Cillian takes this time to wonder over to her. He stands over her, looking down upon her with no pity.

"Deep breaths" he instructs, watching her breaths return, "that's right. Breathe deep"

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