•I'm not a helpless puppy•

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"Hey house pet, get me some juice!"

"Yes ma'am"

"Look it's the little puppy.... Guess you weren't able to pay your debt huh?"

"Please stop"


"Those are the common words heard inside this private academy, the teachers are well aware of this situation but they don't dare breaking the rules set by the principal many years ago"

"I'm Ryota Suzui, on my fifth year in this academy currently my last. Well you're probably wondering why there are five levels in this school..... Well it all started with
when sumeragi graduated. Her parents where complaining on why her academic grades where low that they paid the school a hundred billion dollars to add two more years to ensure every child will get educated"

"Suzui-san!" He heard a voice call his name, he immediately lit up turning on his heels smiling brightly at the girl before him. "Y-yumeko-san hello, did you need me for something?" He asked. "Yeah! Can I bother you to look after my little brother for the meantime? You have free period right?" She requested taking Suzui's hands in hers a whiney tone in her voice. "Ummm... Sure! Why not" he replied to which the girl smiled "great he's this way!" She said leading the way to the staircase.

Suzui stopped in his tracks before asking out "wait.... YOU HAVE A LITTLE BROTHER?!" he asked, yumeko looked at him like he was dumb. "You didn't know?" She asked tilting her head to the side staring at the boy. "Of course not! How did I even knew! I haven't met him yet.... Wait! Do the other's know?!" Yumeko just looked at him before replying "the others know"

Suzui was about to say something but was cut off by another voice. "Yumeko-senpai" a blank deep voice said taking the older girls attention, turning her head looking at the young male a meter from them holding a folder in his hands. "Oh Hitoshi, do you need anything" Yumeko asked him turning away from Suzui completely facing the lavender haired boy.

"Kirari nee-chan, want's to see you right now. She said it's important" he said blandly "oh and she said to give this to your little brother"

"I'll be there in a bit, and what's this?" She questioned taking the file from the lavender haired boy. "She said that's a file of codes?....ummm to the locked rooms I think?" He said trying to explain what was in the file. "Alright then see you later Hitoshi" the said boy bowed before walking away from them.

"C'mon Suzui-kun, we must hurry!" Yumeko exclaimed taking the boys hand and dashing trough the stairs. 'i wonder what her little brother looks like?, Maybe he's identical to her like her sister but maybe I'm wrong. I mean momobami-san's brother has a different hair color I wonder if they're really brothers but their eyes say otherwise, those three have the same eye's and-'

Suzui was snapped out of his trance when he heard a voice call out to them. "Yumeneechan!" The voice exclaimed, then he heard footsteps come close to them. Suzui turned his head spotting a greenette boy waving at them. "I-is that your brother?" He asked as Yumeko ran up to the greenette. "Yes I am!, I'm Izuku Jabami but call me Izuku. Nice to meet you Ryota Suzui" Izuku smiled.

"Uh.... Nice to meet you too Izuku" he said sheepishly. 'He has green hair and green eyes are they really related?..... Oh who am I kidding my brothers and sister have red or white hair while I have brown I ain't surprise anymore'

"I'm going to leave you two to get to know each other, I have to go now bye!" Yumeko said not even waiting for a reply before dashing of to the student council room. "Well she's going to take a long time, hey Izuku I haven't seen you around and it's almost the middle of the school year, are you a transfer student?" He asked the smaller boy.

"Yeah..... I didn't wanna come here but I had no choice, nee-chan said this school has advanced learning so dad forced me to come here since I'm the companies 'successor'" he said rolling his eyes at the successor part.

"Is that so.....


"Now Izuku, you don't have to gamble if you don't want to alright?" Suzui reassured the small first year walking beside him. Izuku nodded taking small glances at the students who had the chains around their necks. "Well i better head to class see you later Izuku" Izuku shook his head before giving the taller boy a wide grin. "Okay!"


Izuku arrived at his classroom taking a looks around the wide room before taking a seat.

Almost immediately everyone in the class quieted down staring at him with horrified faces, all of them where wearing the chains around their necks only three where chain free. He averted his gaze to the three who where giving him a sick smirk before walking up to his table.

"What do we have here huh? A new transferee, hah! I bet your family ain't making any bucks!" The tallest male whom Izuku supposed was the leader of the trio laughed out slamming his hands down onto the greenette's desk his lackeys snickering behind him.

"Do you know where peasants like you end up? Right you'll end up being a worthless House pet for our use" someone behind him stated trying to intimidate the what they presume fragile boy. But they needed to do better than just talk. He didn't even know how those three managed to make everyone in class a house pet but he guessed they where cheating.

"Oh what's this? Does the helpless puppy have nothing to bark back?" The leader tauntingly said, and that was the last straw.

"I'm not a helpless puppy"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28, 2022 ⏰

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