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I woke up early in the morning to do my morning routine and after that I went to the bathroom to take a quick shower

And after I ate my breakfast I went to college and prepare my needs in studying and after sometime the prof went in and started discussing our lesson for today

And after sometime he ask all of us of what career we want when we all grow up

"I wanted to be a fashion designer" Jennie said

"I want to be model" rose said

"I want to be a chief" Jin hyung and suga said

"I want to be an artist" Jungkook said

"I want to be a dance instructor" Lisa and J-hope both said in unison and look at each other

"I want to be a singer" Rose said

"I want to be a doctor" Namjoon said

"I wanted to be an idol" jimin said

"I wanted to be an actress" I said

"Ohh I love how you all have different dream everyone, but how about you taehyung" the prof asked taehyung which lead our attention to him

He looked at me which made my heart flutter a little and after some time he said

"I wanted to marry an actress" he said and looked at me

And after earning lots of suspicious stares from everyone,  taehyung finally realized what he just said and tried to get away from of their suspicious stares

"Ohh taesoo"jimin cheered that got followed by everyone

"Uhh I m-mean I wanted to be a CEO" taehyung said and looked at me but seems like everyone is not buying it

And the class went on with everyone still teasing us

"Okay class so that's all for today you may leave" the prof said and went out

"Ohh guys wanna have some pizza" rose ask

"Yeah" all of us agreed

"Okay then its settled, at my house" jennie said followed by the cheers of everyone

You know I feel like my eardrums are about to explode from this cheering aishh

(Poor jisoo, who wants some fight I'll fight for jisoo, nehh just kidding ʕง•ᴥ•ʔง)

We all arrived at Jennie's house and was greeted by the maids that work their

The pizza night that we planned turned into a party, dancing, drinking and wasted people are what your gonna see, once you enter the house

But fortunately some of us are still not wasted except for Jimin that boy will never leave alcohol until his not wasted

We played truth or dare since it's getting bored cause everyone who still can stand already leave

At the middle of the play I felt a pair of hands on my thighs

And when I looked down its Sehun's hands

(No hate to sehun guys and I forgot to mention sehun is here to guys hehehe (ಥ_ಥ)

I tried to remove his hand off my thighs but he is just too strong


While we're playing I took a glance at jisoo and when I layed eyes on her I almost punched the floor after seeing Sehun's hand

And while I was burning in anger I saw that the bottle stop in front of Sehun

I took the chance and dared him

"Sehun I dared you to switch place with jennie and tied your hands" I said with a mischievous grinn

"What that's insane, why would I switch place with jennie" he asked and remove his hands knowing everyone will look at him after speaking

"Eh that's a dare sehun and besides I want to sit with unnie too" jennie agreed followed by others

"Aishh fine, happy now" he said after switching places with jennie

I saw the frown on Sehun's face after he switch places making me smirk externally


I was so thankful to Taehyung is it weren't for him that Sehun won't leave me

(Once again no hate to Sehun)

The time went pass that we didn't even realize that's it's already 6 in the morning

And we decided to sleep in jennie's house since we're still drunk


We woke up at 6 in the evening

(Lol 12 hours of sleep)

We decided to leave after dinner and after we eat we all starts to leave

*Rose and Jimin in Jimin's car

*Jin and Namjoon in Jin's car

*Lisa and Jungkook in Jungkook's car

*Suga and J-hope in Suga's car

*Jisoo and Taehyung's in Taehyung's car


There was an awkward silence in the car, no one dared to speak

The silence didn't last long when jisoo ask

"What do you mean when you said that you want to marry an actress" she asked while looking outside of the car

"Nothing" I plainly replied

"What do you mean Kim Taehyung, I wanna know" she asked once again but now looking at me

I stop the car and look at her


I was shocked because instead of answering me he caressed me lovingly

I was shocked that I can't even spit a word but.....

To be continued

Hey guess your author is back but I gotta this will my last story cause the rumors I will make it a story so thank you

Nyeongan, borahae💕💕

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