The King and his Queen?

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The rain fell gently, creating a misty veil in the air—an undesirable weather most people would avoid. However, for Karina, it held a different allure.

She stood by the deserted road, flanked by closed shops in the dead of night. Something had stirred her from her studio apartment, and she bit her pinkish lower lip, a vivid contrast against her pale complexion. Thick, black hair was tied back in a high ponytail, swaying lightly in the drizzle.

With determination, she began to jog towards the park a few blocks away. Doubt crept in as she tugged on the damp hem of her t-shirt, hastily thrown over her pajamas. As she approached the park's entrance, she discreetly retrieved a pocket knife from her bra, opening it.

Uncertain of her own motivations, she had a foreboding feeling about being alone in the park at this hour, but her heart insisted it was where she needed to be.

She navigated the park's features—empty benches, swaying swings, and a homeless man resting in a slide. After circling the park thrice, she decided it was merely wedding jitters causing her unease. She returned the pocket knife to its place and headed towards the park's exit. That's when she heard it—a snapping branch and a low growl emanating from the trees to her right. Panic set in as she backed away, eyes scanning the shadows.

"Who's there?" she whispered. Silence prevailed, nearly convincing her she'd imagined it all. Then, a figure emerged from the shadows, illuminated by a streetlamp. He towered over her, moving gracefully with an almost feline grace.

Stunned by his sudden appearance and predatory presence, her legs gave way beneath her. She sprawled in the wet grass, heart pounding with fear.

"What do you want?" she stammered. "I've told you before to leave me alone, that I'm not interested in your proposition."

"I told you I'd give you time to settle your affairs and prepare to be my mate," he retorted, his red eyes simmering with anger. "That was almost eight months ago."

"Stop," Karina yelled, raising a trembling hand. He halted, momentarily calming her. But then she noticed his gaze fixed on her hand—the hand adorned with her engagement ring.

"What's that?" he demanded, his voice laced with quiet fury.

"It's nothing," Karina replied, hiding her hand behind her back.

He strode over, kneeling to inspect the ring. "Aden, wait," she pleaded, panic in her voice. It was too late. The cold aura surrounding him invaded her personal space, and the inexplicable pull in her heart intensified.

"No-no-no," she thought, feeling the bond between them strengthening.

"So," Aden said, still holding her hand, his gaze locked on hers. "You were planning to run off and get married. To that human male I saw you with before."

"I told you, I'm not going with you. I have a future here, a life," Karina pleaded, a tear rolling down her cheek.

"Yet your very being calls to mine. Why do you think you came out here? I'm sorry, but you are coming back with me," Aden said, quickly bringing a chloroform-soaked cloth to her nose.

As she lost consciousness, Aden caught her and carried her into the misty rain.


Eight Months Earlier

"Here comes the Ice Queen," one of the models whispered as Karina entered the bustling studio. Ignoring the comment, she settled into her space, meticulously organizing her makeup supplies.

"Karina, darling," a flamboyant man with vibrant pink hair, a fishnet shirt, and dramatic lashes purred, taking a seat at her vanity. "Make me beautiful, darling. I want everyone to remember the face of Bordo LaShwa, the world's greatest fashion designer."

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