Relinquish the Past(holiday chapter)

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( this is not part of the current storyline and may contain spoilers) 

In the grand foyer, a towering 6-foot black Christmas tree took center stage, adorned with blood-red ornaments, white garlands, and festive knick knacks that gleamed against the dark backdrop. An impressive array of elegantly wrapped presents formed a mound beneath the tree. Flanking it were two imposing thrones; on one, a striking male figure with chiseled features and slicked-back dark brown hair lounged, donned in black slacks and a button-up shirt. A subtle smile played on his lips. Opposite him, his Queen reclined in regal poise, legs draped over one side of her throne, her long black hair cascading over the other. Balancing a wriggling child on her legs, she attempted to assist in unwrapping a gift wrapped in sophisticated black paper. Her form-fitting red gown, crafted from crushed velvet, accentuated her elegance as her pale legs swayed gracefully over the arm of the chair.

"Christian, love, try pulling the paper here," Karina encouraged, tugging at a corner for her son.

Aden, his gaze flitting between mother and child, radiated a warm twinkle in his eyes, a stark contrast to the primal aura he exuded. Abruptly, his attention shifted as the front doors swung open, prompting a collective hush among the celebrating vampires. Beyond the crowd, he spotted a petite woman entering, her silver hair catching the moonlight. The room fell silent as a butler relieved her of her coat, announcing the arrival of the King's sister, Claudette.

In moments, Claudette was before Karina, sweeping her nephew into her arms and peppering his chubby cheeks with kisses. The boy gleefully called her "Aunt Doedette," grabbing onto her silver curls as he bounced in her embrace.

Rising gracefully, Karina embraced her best friend, inciting a low snarl from Aden. In response, Karina playfully stuck her tongue out at him.

"Jealous still, Aden? It's been three years," she chided. Claudette, adopting a sing-song voice, intervened, "Boys will be boys."

Aden leaned forward in his chair, a brooding aura enveloping him. "Careful how you address your King, Claudette. I've yet to forgive you for the trouble you caused between me and my Queen. You're fortunate you're the princess of this realm; otherwise, you might face banishment."

"Yay for me," Claudette replied sarcastically, pulling Karina away from the brooding King.

With Aden immersed in a war meeting and Karina's son tucked away in the care of a vigilant nanny, Karina and Claudette seized the opportunity to embark on their nocturnal adventure. Meeting just outside the castle walls, they exchanged conspiratorial glances, eager for a night of mischief.

The moonlight bathed the woods surrounding the castle in an ethereal glow as they raced through the trees. Karina's skin tingled with a magical resonance as they passed through the invisible shroud concealing the castle from prying eyes. Each step brought them closer to the edge of the enchanted barrier, and the air seemed to crackle with latent energy.

Karina and Claudette entered the store, causing the small bell above the door to jingle softly. Dylan, busy restocking shelves, glanced up with a wearied expression at the familiar sound. He greeted Claudette with a nod, acknowledging her presence. However, his tired eyes widened with disbelief when they fell on Karina.

"Karina?" Dylan's voice held a mixture of shock and hope as he called out to her, making her freeze in her tracks.

Claudette quickly stepped in, her silver hair gleaming in the store's ambient light. "Oh, no, Dylan, you must be mistaken. This isn't Karina. This is her cousin," she said, weaving a quick, albeit unconvincing, story to divert his attention.

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