Chapter 2

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Bakugo opened his eyes and looks around and said what happened. Recovery girl came in and saw him awake and said you are in the infirmary, you must have passed out when kimiko carried you back to campus. Bakugo said where's kimiko did she leave. Recovery girl said she's sleeping in the next bed, aizawa wants her to stay here cause she hasnt been eating much and sleeping much. Bakugo looks over at his sleeping girlfriend and said she was worried about me. Recovery girl said I think all your friends were but kimiko was worried more.

Kimiko opened her eyes and looks around. Bakugo saw her awake and said your up babe. Kimiko looks at her boyfriend and said yea. Bakugo looks at her and said you shouldn't have skipped eating babe. Kimiko looks down and said I just couldn't eat or I would have gotten sick. Bakugo sighs and said I know but you need to take care of yourself too. Kimiko nods and said I know. Recovery girl came in with two trays of food and said I brought you two food.

Kimiko ate the food she was brought as bakugo did the same. Kimiko finished eating her food and laid back on the bed watching her boyfriend. Bakugo finished eating and said babe your staring. Kimiko chuckles and said of course babe. Bakugo snickers and said I know I'm sexy babe. Kimiko smirks and said yes very sexy.

A week has passed and recovery girl was satisfied that kimiko has been eating more and gotten more sleep so she released her from the infirmary. Kimiko kissed bakugo and said get some rest, I better go before I get in trouble for being late to class. Bakugo nods and said I will babe. Kimiko said I'll make sure to take notes for you to copy. Bakugo smiles and said thanks babe always thinking. Kimiko nods and left to go to class and sat down.

Kimiko listened as they went over the class while taking notes. After class, aizawa said everyone is dismissed except kimiko. Everyone left while kimiko went to aizawa and said whats up Mr. Aizawa. Aizawa looks at her and said the press want you to appear at a conference about the two villians. Kimiko sighs and said do I have to. Aizawa said unfortunately they are insisting and you can't get out of it, they wanted to do it last week but I said no. Kimiko sighed and said alright when is it. Aizawa said today after school and I'll be going with you. Kimiko nods and said alright and left the room.

At the leagues base, shigaraki said we need to teach those heros a lesson. Dabi said what do you have in mind. Shigaraki thought for a moment and said what about that girl who took down those two villians. Dabi thought and said that could work she has a strong quirk. Shigaraki said maybe we could use that to our advantage. Dabi nodded and said maybe, let me bring her to you. Shigaraki said alright its your job.

After class, kimiko went to see bakugou before going to ditch her bag. Bakugou saw her and said hey babe. Kimiko smiled and said hey babe cant stay long. Bakugou said why not. Kimiko said apparently the press wants to know about those villians I took down. Bakugou said oh that sounds fun. Kimiko chuckles and said I'm nervous never done it before. Bakugou said you will be fine. Kimiko nods and kisses him and went to go ditch her bag in her room and went to meet aizawa.

Aizawa was waiting for kimiko as kimiko came up to him. Aizawa said you ready to go. Kimiko said ready to get this over with. Aizawa nods and they went to where the press was gonna be at. Kimiko sat where aizawa told her to sit as a reporter asked her questions. Reporter said do you think those villians you took down are part of the league of villains. Kimiko said I don't know, they could be or they could have just been doing it on their own. The reporter kept asking her questions as kimiko answered as best as she could. After a hour of it, aizawa said alright times up no more questions. The reporter left and kimiko sighed in relief and said that was nerve racking. Aizawa said I bet but part of being a pro. Kimiko said I know just got to get use to it. Aizawa nods as they left to go back to campus.

Meanwhile, dabi was hiding on a building near where the press conference was near an alleyway. Kimiko walked little behind aizawa as they passed the alleyway. Dabi smirked and dropped a smoke bomb as it went off. Kimiko saw the smoke and covered her mouth. Dabi jumped down and grabbed kimiko covering her mouth to keep her from screaming and jumped back up to the top of building. Aizawa couldn't see where kimiko was or anything and said kimiko. Kimiko struggled against dabis grip as she tried to use one of her quirks. Dabi injected the anti quirk suppressant into kimiko. Kimiko felt herself grow drowsy as her quirk went away. Dabi said kurogiri now. Kurogiri opened a warp gate and dabi went through with kimiko.

Aizawa saw the smoke clear finally and said dammit kimikos gone as he headed back to campus. Kirishima and deku went to visit bakugo. Bakugou saw them and said hey you two. Deku said hey kacchan how are you doing. Bakugou said a bit better but will be glad when I'm fully healed. Aizawa went to the infirmary to talk to recovery girl. Recovery girl saw aizawa and said whats up. Aizawa said when can bakugo be healed. Recovery girl said tonight I can, he's been doing better, why what's wrong. Aizawa said kimiko was taken when we were on our way back from the press conference. Bakugo heard something so did kirishima and deku. Recovery girl said you need to tell him and then I can heal him and have him ready to go.

Aizawa walked to where bakugo was and saw that kirishima and deku were also there. Bakugou said Mr. Aizawa whats going on. Aizawa said we were am used by someone on our way back and kimiko was taken. Bakugous eyes widen and said do you have a plan. Aizawa said we will think of one but first recovery girl said you are ready to be healed so you can help, I'll also need yours and midoriyas help. Kirishima said we will help any way possible. Aizawa said meet me in my classroom after you healed and we will discuss a plan and left.

Recovery girl healed bakugou and gave him some food and said here eat this to replace the energy used from being healed then you can go. Bakugou nodded and ate everything that recovery girl brought him. Kirishima and deku waited for bakugou to finish and get dressed. Bakugo came out to where kirishima and deku were waiting and said let's go. The three of them went to aizawas classroom and sat down.

Aizawa said we need to figure out where kimiko was taken. Kirishima said what about the app kimiko has. Bakugou said what app I forgot. Kirishima said it was a app that can show where someone is, its how we were able to rescue you. Bakugou said oH yea, I remember her showing me that, maybe I can see if it shows anything. Kirishima nods and waits. Bakugo checked the app and said I can see where she's at as he shows aizawa the app. Aizawa said not to far from here really but we need to have surprise on our side. Kirishima said what if bakugo blows the place open. Aizawa said if he can do a controlled blast then I'll say yes. Bakugo said I should be able too. Aizawa nods and said alright, we will go tomorrow, get some rest everyone. The three of them nods and went to the dorms.

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