A startling Beginning

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I stumble along, whispers glancing off my mind.
"Someone will help her soon"
"It's her fault being the daughter of Those Scientist types"
"So young, but this is what they get for experimenting on themselves, a broken spawn."
It was too much, i pick up into a run, finally finding sanctuary in an abandoned garage.
Why were people so mean?
Why did people scoff at the sight of her? It wasn't her fault. All she knew is that she could hear what was behind those scoffs and sharp glares.
She didn't resent them though, they don't know the real me. The only memory i do have, is a name, April.

10 years later

A personally made alarm clock rings and i miss the button with a flailing arm, once, twice, but i hit it the third time.
Sighing, i get up, grabbing a fur comb and brushing out my medium length fur. Not the greatest fur to have when you live on a desert planet. Sharpened whispers fill my mind and i reach and grab a duo of mechanized bracelets, clasping them on as tight as i could, and the whispers loose thier sharp edge, becoming very soft and minimal. It was better to limit my abilities, i didn't want to hear personal stuff from other's minds, but i knew i need to make better bracelets.
I was scared of my powers for many reasons. First of all, it's literally hearing what's in everyone's heads.

The second part was that nobody's thoughts seemed to stay on themselves once i came around, the minds turned to me. No kids wanted to play with me, only foriegners came to my small garage for fixups.

Was it annoying? Sometimes, was i mad at anyone? No, they could keep their opinion of me, honestly it made life barely bareable.

The Galactic Ranger tryouts were today, do i dare compete? A part of me says no but alot of me says yes.
I should at least try, maybe it'll change my outlook to the public of Veldin.
I grab my handle to my Omnitool. Loosening the bracelet on my left arm, i focus and a club sized form of a wrench appears, made of lilac energy. I lock it in, it'll have to do if i encounter trouble in the tryouts.

Heading out, i put the handle( unsummoned the wrench part first of course) into my belt pouches where i usually kept other spare bits and bobs.

It wasn't far from my little garage, thankfully. I quickly sign up quietly, and then he shoves a finger toward the course a simple"Sucker" whispers across my mind. I push it aside, i could do it. There was grenades and a simple Combuster for the people to use, and i figured there might be ammo along the course. I grab the basic weapons and put them into the digital storage on one of my bracelets. Pulling out the Combuster, i get moving.
A few simple jumps, a couple blasts, a grenade to blast open a door, i do the whole course quietly, mostly cause the crowd was booing the whole while.
Ignoring them, i finish the course in about 3 minutes time, and i go stand with the rest of the finishers. There was a small crowd, small, but enough for me to turn my limiters fully on.

I watch, mildly impressed when captain Quark, the leader of the Galactic Rangers, walks through a wall of fire for his intro.
"I'm going to be real with you guys for a moment. When captain Phyronics told me to take up a new ranger, i knew just where to go.
That's right! We want you!" As he guestures to the crowd with a pointed finger to the crowd.
"I know what your thinking, do i have what it takes? After all, you all may not have done powerful deeds of glory such as i have. But if you have heart, then you have what it takes."
What a moron, i can feel his thoughts," i doubt anyone on this podunct planet is worthy, but may as well give it a shot"
I sigh
My odds were against me, do i dare show what i can do? No- that's stupid April, maybe i can tell him i'm a really good mechanic, and if i join i can keep them from bringing their ships in the shop.
I figured that was a good shot, considering their only smart person on the team devolps their weapons.

I wait through the day, until it finally comes to my turn,"Ah, April right? Come, sit." I nod and do so.
"You beat the course in a really good time, you work out?"
I shrug," i more lift heavy ship parts as my job is a Mechanic of a small garage."
"Ah yes" Quark said,"From what we can tell, there's no sign on it, any reason why?"
"Anytime i put it up, people paint it over in 12 hours. Horrible things."
"Oh. It's a pleasant garage, and you're really quick on your feet, you'll learn quickly if you really wish to join us."
"Yes, i do, this planet's full of old people who only care about the illegial Glad fights halfway across the planet."
"Ah yes, i've heard of them, but we can't find out why they're illegial."
"Cause they torture the losers, even the people here didn't want me joining them, so i know they don't totally hate me."
Quark chuckles," well thank you for that info. I'm gonna guess you don't have a ship?" I shake my head.
"Ok, you'll ride with me, anything to pack?"
"Nope, let's go!" Excitement filling my voice for the first time ever in my life, I was finally free.
The next hour was a blur as i hop into the back of Quarks ship, and he drives it off planet. Relief surged through me.
They may not know my full reason of why i wanted away from Veldin, but maybe, now i can finally fully start over.

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