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Tanjiro pov

I woke up letting my eyes  adjust to the light. I then looked round and realised that I was in an unfamiliar place. I shot up from a king size bed feeling weak. When I went to get up I collapsed to the ground making a bang that could be heard by everyone else in the house.

I then heard some steps coming up the stairs nearing me. My heart started to race as I realised I didn't have my sword. I quickly got back into the bed and covered my self with sheets. The door opened and I squeezed my eyes shut when I heard.

"Are you alright dear?" A kind woman softly said.

I slowly take the sheet from my head and at the same pace turned my face to meet with a pretty lady. I then said "where am I?"

The pretty lady said in a soft voice "oh my. I'm sorry, you haven't the slightest clue to where you are or who I am. Well my name is Tsukahiro and you are in my home"

I then asked nervously  " and why exactly am I here?"

"Oh I guess you don't remember. Well we were out in town when you came up to us at first I was confused and then my husband said that you were his nephew and you came to live with us for a while spas your parents died recently." The woman said calmly.

I looked at her with a very confused face. I don't have an uncle. I sat there thinking for a minute and then remembered some of what happened yesterday. I smelt the same scent that was in my house that day and followed it to...


I shot my head up startling the woman. "Listen that man is not who you think he is. He's-" I was cut off by the creaking sound of the door. I looked in terror at the man standing in the door way. Muzan. He then walked over to my bed and gave a chilling smile.

"Oh I see your awake my sweet nephew." He said I looked at him with pure shock and fear. Muzan didn't hesitate before grabbing my hand as if in a caring way but in reality he nearly crushed all the bones in my hand. I was in the verge of tears when he suddenly let go turning to his 'wife'. 

"I think he's still tired so why don't we let him rest?" Muzan said in a 'sweet' voice. The woman looked with love driven eyes at him and nodded. She was definitely in a trance. The woman then got up and left the room. Muzan got up as well but didn't leave. He instead reached his hand out towards me. I flinched and waited for a blow to the face but instead a something shocking happened. Instead of harming me he caressed my face. 

"You don't know what you've gotten yourself into have you."

I looked away disgusted. But then Muzan violently grabbed my face digging his nails in my cheeks. 

"If you disobey me maybe it wouldn't be a bad idea to pay your little demon sister a visit." Muzan threatened. He then turned and walked out. I sat in the bed shocked and I started to cry. If I don't listen to this horrible man then he'll hurt nezuko.

??? POV

Ahhh~ he's so cute. I want him for myself. Why does muzan get to have him. Soon tanjiro you'll be mine and we'll have a wedding and 10 babies. I know that no demon has gotten a human pregnant but I think I can change that.

Finally I'm done. Sorry I know I said I'd update as soon as I can but I'm really busy studying for tests coming up but I will try to update often. Anyway thank you for reading.

635 words

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16, 2022 ⏰

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