Chapter I

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- Wake up you brat, otherwise I'll throw you in the dumpster. Cried a voice rusty with time but it remained firm.

- Livia please wake up, a soft and worried voice of a small boy is heard.

          Emma groaned at the sound of the voices, she was sleepy, goodness, let her sleep, because doing her homework at the last minute when she had a whole week to do it can be exhausting. When her mother discovered that Emma was still awake at three in the morning, she was furious, she scolded her daughter, but she must not have listened because she was trying to prevent herself from falling asleep. She sighed in annoyance as she helped her daughter with her homework, they finished at five in the morning before ordering her tired daughter to sleep and that she would wake her up at seven to go at school. Emma groaned but followed her mother's orders. She fell asleep as soon as her head hit the pillow.

- Livia, please wake up, whined the boy's voice.

Emma opened her heavy eyelids to find a little boy looking at her with relief, he looked thin under his dirty clothes, sunken cheeks, parched and cracked lips, brown hair full of mud, despite this unfortunate portrait his eyes were beautiful, magnificent even, two dark blue eyes were staring at her, those same eyes reddened and puffy with tears were looking at her with relief.

Her contemplation was short-lived as she was roughly thrown to the ground, a large rocky hand grabbed her hair roughly and tossed her around before throwing her to the dry, sun-warmed ground. During this whole process, confusion was the first to arise in Emma's heart but it was quickly replaced by fear and pain, she cried out, she was surprised to hear her voice much higher than usual. She moaned as she was thrown roughly to the ground, tears and snot running down her face. The same boy rushed towards her, don't forget to glare at whoever had done this to him. He inspected looking for possible injury, finding only ugly bruises, he sighed in relief before offering his hand to Emma to help him up.

- Come on Livia before the guard comes back, the little boy told her.

Emma sighed in frustration as the boy kept calling her by Livia's first name, her name was Emma, ​​Emma Anterd and not Livia. She accepts the outstretched hand, her eyes widening in shock as she discovers that her hand was much smaller than usual, it looked skeletal, dirt was embedded in her fingernails.

The young girl directed her gaze towards the child, he stared at her intensely with an air of concern, she looked away embarrassed. A scream almost escaped her mouth as she looked at the place, a black van was behind her, out came childs and adults from different age groups, but they all had one thing in common, they were dirty and stank as if they had never taken a shower in their life, they were all wearing rags.

In front of her was a tall building that shone in the sun. Emma found it ugly, bland and even banal because it looked like any company building, it was covered with windows, some tinted and some not. The girl turned her head to see only a few trees as far as the eye could see.

A drop of water fell on his nose, followed others before finally turning into a torrent of rain. She shivered and started to shiver, she hated the rain. The dress she wore stuck to her skin. Wait a minute, since when does she wear a dress? She looked down and examined her body and couldn't help but be horrified. The so-called robe was more like a rag filled with dirt and grease. But that's not what shocked him, not that, his once somewhat chubby body is no longer there, his tanned complexion from long walks on the beach is no longer there either. No, all she found was an emaciated body, the flesh stuck to the skin you could see the bones, her skin was littered with wounds as well as scars, and the effect was even more visible on her white skin. , not the same shade as that of Asians or princesses, no, hers was more like that of a vampire, sickly white. She no longer had her imposing breasts that she was so proud of, instead she had the shapes of an undeveloped child. She was barefoot, the water washing away the traces of mud, but the scars remained.

Emma shivered with cold but it was mostly because of fear, she touched her hair to discover that it was abnormally long but also messy, lots of knots were in it, she grabbed a lock of this hair and discovered that she was chestnut and not blond. She grabbed the boy's shoulders, who flinched at the contact and gave her a look of confusion, Emma asked:
- What is my name ?

The little boy looked at her strangely but replied:
- Your name is Livia, are you sure you're fine?

The young girl prevented the tears from flowing, she sneezed several times, her teeth were chattering, she was cold that she admired the boy in front of her who showed nothing but she saw a small tremor in his body. They were about ten people assembled, most of them were tramps in view of their miserable appearance, six men with strong builds were watching them, when the rain came, they already had an umbrella, the girl blinked confusedly where could they have gotten him out? Not out of pocket anyway, because they were all wearing black suits and two of them were wearing sunglasses, oddly enough.

She launched into her series of questions without worrying about the previous question:
- Who are you ? Where are we ? How old am I? How old are you ? What date is today?

The blue-eyed child opened his mouth, then immediately closed it, then spoke; in his voice concern mingled with confusion:
- I'm Erwan, are you sure you're okay?

Emma now Livia nodded before shaking her, tears welled up in her eyes, no one will know from afar if Livia was crying because the tears were mixed with the rain, Erwan gently approached Livia before hugging her with his skinny arms, he was shorter than her and his temperature was much lower. After a few seconds, after the girl with brown hair had calmed down, Erwan looked at her before smiling at her with a reassuring air, he continued to stare at her thoughtfully before putting his hand on Livia's head, she looked lost, he asked her:
- Do you have pain here?

Erwan pointed to his head, the girl nodded, it hurt horribly, but over time the pain subsided. He frowned trying to remember something, he puffed out his chest, proud to find the answer, he said to her, proud of his discovery:
- You are amesia

- Amnesia, repeated Livia stupidly.

- Yes amnesiac, confirms the boy. Old Jacques said that if you hit someone hard on the head, he'll have a cebal concoction and boom he doesn't remember anything.

- Concussion, corrected the young girl.

- So old Jacques said that if someone has a cerebral concussion, I mean a cerebral concussion, you always have to tell him what he wants and answer him if he asks questions, because people who have this disease favor and have a ache in their head. So what were your questions?

Before Livia asked her exasperated questions, a person was in front of one of these guards, the dark circles showing her fatigue and kept touching her hair. He was gesticulating in all directions, as soon as he opened his mouth a flood of insults came out of his mouth. The guard kept telling him to calm down and that someone would come and invite them in any minute, but the man didn't listen. Suddenly without warning, the man attacked the guard, Livia saw in slow motion the guard pull out his revolver and pointed it between his eyes. A deafening silence fell, everyone held their breath.

- Come on Alex, you shouldn't go that far, hold back a male voice from a man.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 09, 2022 ⏰

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