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♡Haley's POV♡

Me and Jordan talked for a while "so you hit your brother with a ball" "on the face BUT yes!" " holy shit" "yea..." "I should get home" "k bye" "bye" I finally got home and luckily didn't get caught sneaking back in it was 12:30 am when I went to bed. I woke up by my phone ringing "hello?" "Hi this Karen" "hi!" Haley you don't have to babysit today!" "Oh ok!" "Bye Haley" "bye" I get up and get dressed I we're jeans as usual And a oversized shirt and put my hair up in a ponytail and Converse, a little bit of mascara "good morning" "good morning hun" "do you have to babysit?" "No not today!" "Ok!" "Hi Haley" "Hi scotty" "I'm going to the sandlot you comingin" "yea!" Me and scotty get to the sandlot "Benny! I'm toasting like a tester cheeser it's so hot out here!" (I think that's what Ham said) "yeah yeah" "it's to hot to play baseball" Benny start stalking (I'm to lazy to type all of that) "fine fine fine be like that" we finally get to the pool" oh hi ladies oh sexy" Ham flexing 😒 "CANNONBALL!" and girls screaming. Wendy peffcorn the life guard "I watch her every summer there she is oily oily!" "She doesn't know what she is doing" yeah yeah to rule" "yeah she does!" "I can't take this anymore!"
Soo Squints go's by the deep end of the pool.

Sorry but back with the storyy

And Squints jumps in Wendy jumps in to she brings him up out of the pool and all of us go to him "yeah yeah he looks pretty crappie" (I don't feel like typing all of that out!) Squints kisses Wendy "you little pervert!"she holds Squints ears (I know this one is really short but tomorrow I will start the next chapter!)

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