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(Uh if i do decide to publish this im so sorry lol. This is my first time writing smut and ive read alot i just havent uh done it so i dont know how this is gonna work out :l this will also be like modern time so phones and tvs exsist ill also put a thing were the smut starts if you want to skip the stuff leading up to it.)
After about 15 minutes stan should up so i opened the door and he was smiling, "hey". I opened my mouth to tell him georgie wasnt here but he just walked past me before i could make a sound. "Oh stan, georgie is staying late at school so itll be like another hour or two before he shows up" i told him and he turned around to look at me, "Oh alright, ill stay here. I dont want to go home anyway". We sat on my bed and i turned on the tv while he checked his phone then silenced it before putting it on my bedshelf thing. "Oh you might not want to put that there" i told him and he looked at me weird, "Why not". I thought of a way to say it without it sounding weird but instead it came out as, "if we move the bed to much then itll fall off and might hit us or break" and i knew what he was thinking so i just turned on a random channel and did the same with my phone except i threw it on the floor beside me and so did he.
After a few minutes into the show i got cold so i got up and closed the door and windows along with the curtains, "Sorry im cold, is it too dark" i asked stan and he was fiddiling with his thumbs, "Uh no its fine, i prefer the dark". I nodded and smiled, "Yeah i do too, it helps me save my energy for a longer period of time" i said and he nodded then closed his eyes and leaned back his head so you could see his adams apple. I walked over to my door and made sure it was shut before i sat back down. I looked over at stanley and stared at him till he opened my eyes so i quickly glanced away.
While stan and bill watched the show that neither of them had ever watched before, they kept looking at eachother. Bill layed his hand down on the covers that they both were sitting on and a few minutes later stan did. They kept glancing at eachother thinking the other wasnt noticing but both were and it made their hearts race fasters than they should be. If their parents knew what they were thinking they would kill them and send them somewhere a millie miles away from eachother. Eventually bill picked up the remote and turned the volume down then set his hand back right beside stans which gave stanely a little bit of confidence to move his pinky to touch bills. They didnt look at eachother but they were both thinking the same thing, eventually bill moving his hand slowly to rap around stans. They sat like that for a little bit until bills phone rang and he jumped quickly pulling his hand away and reaching for his phone, it was an amber alert. Bill rolled his eyes and turned his phone completly off before getting up, "Im gonna uh go use the bathroom" then he darted out of the room leaving stan feeling like he had made a big mistake.
Bill went into the bathroom right beside his room and sat on the edge of the tub and felt so stupid to thing that stan could ever like him back. A minute later bill heard a knock on the door so he quickly opened it to find stan standing there, "Are you ok" he asked and bill walked over to the sink, "Yeah uh...stan im sorry if i made you uncomfortable. I know how strict your family is and i thought i might of...that i might of had a slight chance. Its so stupid im sorry" bill said and countinued staring at the floor until stan didnt say anything. Bill looked back up at him and stan walked up really close to bill and said, "You have a chance bill" which made bill smiled. Before bill could say anything stan grabbed bill and kissed him immediantly. Stan held bills face in his hands while bill set his hands on stans waist. Stan started to get a little rougher as the seconds passed by bill did not mind at all. Bill pulled away a moment and said, "Im loving this but can we take this to my room" and stan agreed and they quickly walked in there. Before bill could even close the door stan reconnected his lips to bill and bill fumbled with the door knob trying to lock it. They backed up onto bills bed and sat there deeply making out for atleast 3 minutes.
Stan pulled away and looked at bills eyes, "You have no idea how long ive been waiting for this, how badly i wanted this" he whispered out of breath and that made bill loose his breath compleltley but got the courage to ask, "How badly" and that made stans stomach explode. Stan looked between bills eyes then laughed, "everyday. I have had so many wet dreams about you and i felt so quilty and mad at myself because i thought they would never happen" he said and bill felt his jeans start to get tighter while stan talked about him. Bill connected his lips with stan once again and tugged at stans shirt trying to get  it off so stan did as bill took his off. While they made out stan felt bill move his hand to his crotch and start palming it throwing his most likely soaking wet jeans. Bill felt stan starting moving around in pleasure so he moved his kisses down his face and to his neck and once he heard stand let out a small moan he knew he found his sweet spot. He countinued sucking on that while palming stan threw his jeans and enjoying the small noises coming out of stan mouth.
Eventually stan got impatient and built up the words to say, "more". Bill moved his hand and his mouth from his neck but got ontop of his lap slowly and starting slowly grinding against him, "Whatd you say" he asked while enjoying the way stan was struggling to speak, "I-i need you to touch me" he finally said and bill smiled while stopping. Stan stared at him for a moment before bill got on the ground and unzipped stans jeans that bill knew stan wore to the synagogue often. Stan instantly understood and helped him take them off then stood up to slide them off while bill slipped down stans underwear and unwrapping it from his feet. He turned back to see stan sitting on the edge of the bed waiting and obviously wanting bill. Bill took stans longer than excepted dick into his mouth and slowly started having it move in and out while stan set his hand on bills head and gided him. He went slow at first but then started moving faster while hearing stan not be able to control his mouth and hearing moans mixed in with curse words. Stan opened his eyes at on point and saw bills head bopping up and down and that turned him on even more causing bills mouth to feel even better. Stan felt a knot build up in his stomach and stan tried to hold it back while building up the words, "I-im gonna...bill". Bill understood and went faster and faster letting stan know he could so stan released in the back of bills mouth. Bill looked up at stan and made sure to make eye contact with him before he removed his mouth and swallowed the cum then wiping the corners of his mouth.
Bill sat beside stan and watched his chest go up and down and was proud of himself. "You want me to repay you" stan asked while sitting up, wanting to make bill feel the way he made him feel and bill thought about a moment then smirked, "Actually you think you got enough energy to go threw something like that again" he asked and stan nodded instantly.

Im gonna continue this in on the next part because this is getting to long. Longer than richies wang....ignore that.

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