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Amanda gasped "'am you better be joking! YOU NEED TO LIGHTEN UP fresh air, SINGLE READY.TO.MINGLE.! Yessible! It's been a whole 5 fucking month what the fuck? You need a new mans. Who knows this guy might be bigger than ur last one😏 ". " AMANDAAAAAAAA! " "YOUR SO DONE YOUR DONE. " They both laughed.
Me and amanda got our drinks and we're currently in the parking lot walking in well talking. We were peacefully talking by our lockers till we were interrupted by the whole school gasping and looking at the front entrance so it made me turn around only for the new exchange student to come into my view and when i tell you amanda was not joking.... SHE WASNT. I think my heart got stuck on my throat because fucking shit he was hot, He looked around 6'2-6'3 with smoking hot tattoos on his arm and had a black shirt that hugged his muscular body so well with black sweatpants. I looked over at amanda and her jaw was on the floor so I used my hand to pick it up and shut it " I think a bug flew in your mouth " YESSIB- " I slapped her mouth and turned back to the entrance only for me and him to make eye contact I froze and quickly turned back, amanda looked at me with widen eyes and i slightly smiled " Let's get to class.. " I said " But- .. He just- " amanda tried saying but Yessible kept cutting her off " Shut up let's get to class you stupid fuck ". I can't let him think he's the shit over me. No way, because he'll have bitches on him. Just the thought of it made me upset but WHY. I can't have a crush on him.

~ In class

2 minutes in class and the door opens making me lift my head up from copying down notes, only to see Him. He looks at me and smirks I rolled my eyes and went back to my paper.
" Hello. You must be our new student! " She says sounding scared which made Yessible's face turn into confusion. " Indeed. " He replied coldly making girls squeal and I rolled my eyes. " Hey cutie! Come sit here! " A girl said with her popping her chest out as if like she has something to show, I laughed in my head. " Would u like to introduce yo- " " No. " he said sternly making Ms.Hollie nod quickly. Why is she so scared of him? " A-alrighty.. please take seat.."
He scanned the room and sat right behind me. YAY so SOOO happy (note the sarcasm).  I sighed and continued my notes until the bell rang.

~ 45 minutes later

I gathered my stuff and went to the door where my friend was waiting for me at. I looked at him and he hugged me, when I hugged him I felt eyes piercing me and I turned my head to see the new boy staring at me with a clenched jaw. Weird..? We pulled away and he wrapped his arm around my neck well we walked to our lockers.


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 09, 2022 ⏰

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