Chapter One

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"My Chosen One..."

Kagome heard the voice around her, but all she could see was darkness. Her body felt heavy and she didn't know where she was. She had finished the jewel and said goodbye to her friends and jumped in the well...after that...nothing.

"It is finally time..."

Kagome felt something touch her forehead and warmth go through her body, if only she could open her eyes...but her body felt heavy and opening them seemed impossible right now.

"Unite them...unite them...and teach them..."

She felt her body drop and held back a scream as her body hit the ground.

"Then we shall meet again..."

Kagome slowly opened her eyes to see where she was. All around her was nature, she was under a vast blue sky. She looked around her trying to see where her bag was, but sadly it seemed like it didn't come with her.

'What is going on.' Kagome thought as she tried to figure out what happened. Something happened with the well...but where she was...there was no bone eaters well. It was like she appeared out of thin air.

She dusted off her clothing, glad she hadn't gone back in the past to say her goodbyes in her school uniform, but instead a pair of shorts and a simple blue button-up dress shirt with puffed short sleeves. At least this wouldn't stick out as bad as her uniform would in this new place.

"It's dark so finding somewhere not out in the open is probably a good idea..." Kagome muttered to herself as she tried to find a good place to rest and figure out what the hell had happened.

As she walked she couldn't help but admire the plants. Some were definitely not ones she knew of, though some she did recognize...thankfully. She felt her senses go haywire as she tilted her head at what felt like an angry animal's aura pulse around her.

Giving a hum she heard what sounded like a roar of anger as she quickly hid behind a rock formation. She peeked out from behind it, making sure to keep most of herself hidden. There was a person running away cursing, he wore weird clothing as he threw something the shape of a ball at a horse...not any horse...a demon one?

It was a pure white horse that was huge, taller than her five-foot-one frame...but what really caught her attention was the blue fire that was its mane and tail hair...also its bright red eyes. This creature looked like a demon, but it didn't feel like one. It felt like an animal...She kept on watching as she saw the human run away leaving the angry creature behind.

She didn't move from her spot for a few minutes as she watched the creature stomp around, leaving scorch marks on the grass from the fire. She definitely wasn't somewhere she knew of. She wasn't in the past or somewhere between the five hundred years from the Feudal area to her era in the future...this place was somewhere entirely new.

A whole new world.

'What have I gotten myself into' Kagome thought, trying to think of how this could have happened. She had heard a voice when she was stuck in the darkness before arriving...but she didn't recognize it at all.

Sighing she felt a headache bloom, raising her fingers to pinch the bridge of her nose to try and still it. She blinked as she felt hot breath fan out over her face. Cracking her eyes open they widened in shock as they met the blood red eyes of the blue demon horse. It towered over her, the heat from its body washing over her, making her shrink back more so in surprise than fear.

Its aura was still angry and it made her wonder what had angered it so? She mused it had probably been the human throwing what appeared to be balls at it? That would piss her off too... so with a tentative smile, she let her aura cautiously run over the horse, willing it to calm down.

She could tell the animal wasn't evil or mean, just angry and under that anger was a cord of fear. So as she unwound the layers of anger and fear she was happy to see its eyes fade from blood red to a deep slate of obsidian. "There you were just scared...just like me I guess..." The last bit was muttered to herself, her hand absently rising to place itself on the muzzle of the now calm animal.

She blinked as it bucked its nose into her hand, letting out a small neigh as if answering her. Its fur was soft and sleek, its body radiating heat, she briefly wondered if its mane would burn her but didn't want to push her luck. Even if it wasn't a demon it was still not an average animal and she didn't feel like pissing it off and running for her life.

Giving its muzzle one last pat she pulled her hand away and took a step back, taking note that its slate eyes followed her, intelligence sparkling in the depth of them. "You wouldn't happen to know of a safe place to stay for the night huh?" Her grandfather had once told her the only dumb questions were the ones not asked so as she gazed up at the horse she could only hope it understood her.

The horse pawed at the ground with a mighty hoof once before turning away from her and taking a few steps. It paused to glance back at her as if asking her why she wasn't following it. Giving a small laugh she quickly moved to follow the horse, watching as many smaller ones, with orange flames, appeared and herded around her.

It would seem the large blue horse was the alpha of this herd of horses and it explained why it had been chasing the other human. It had probably been hunting the smaller horses...humans...always needing to prove they were top of the food chain...

"Ra ra." The blue-flamed horse gave another snort as it entered a cave, laying down and gazing up at her as the rest of its herd settled down. It would seem she was being offered shelter for the night and she was honestly not going to turn it down. In the morning she could deal with the fact that she was once again a woman displaced in time and space, for now...for now she just wanted to sleep.

Maybe the fates would be kind and she would wake up in her own bed?

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