Chapter 3

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Xavier King, the person who made life a living hell. It seemed like he was one of those cliché popular guys. Constantly surrounded by a swarm of popular girls, didn't care that much about schoolwork, and picked on so-called "freaks" like Torie and Kai. If he ever ran into Torie or Kai in the halls or even at all, he'd beat the crap out of them. Torie had learned how to defend themself, Kai however had not. He'd get beat up every single day and Torie would try to defend and help them.

They both hated Xavier. Torie despised him with a burning hatred. He'd always hurt Kai, and would call him slurs until he cried. Torie would always swing the first punch to defend Kai, and would frequent detention.

He was like a demon that just appeared, ripped up their happiness and left. He always left them bruised physically and emotionally. One of the worst times it happened was when Kai and Torie were sitting on the wall outside the school and Kai was leaning on Torie. Most of the guys in their school wouldn't touch each other in fear of being called a homo and ruining their reputation, but Kai and Torie didn't care.
They knew that they weren't gay, and they'd just relax together.
This time was different.

As Kai was leaning on Torie and Torie was reading, Xavier walked by and saw them. It was a perfect chance for him to tease them, his two targets were in one place. Xavier had smiled as if he had struck gold and looked Kai in the eye. Kai realized what was about to happen and sat up holding onto Torie tightly.

Xavier reached for Kai and pulled him off the wall before I could realize what was happening. He then smirked at Kai, "Oooh you've got a boyfriend now. Thought you were too worthless for anyone." He then turned to me, holding a whimpering Kai by the collar. "Even for a low bar like Torie. Someone whose parents didn't bother staying alive for." He turned back to Kai and held him higher in the air, almost choking him.
My blood was boiling at that point, I jumped off the wall and towered over him. The height difference was real. I was 5'7 and he was 5'4, so I was menacing when I stood up tall. I mustered up my best menacing voice and said,"Get the fuck away from Kai, before I hurt you."
For the first time ever, I saw Xavier's smile falter. 

I swung the first punch. The adrenaline raced through me as I made contact with his jaw. I swear I saw his face a millisecond before fill with fear. The punch made him crumple to the floor, dropping Kai to the ground puffing and gasping.

"KAI!" I reached down to carefully pick up Kai and carry him. 'My best friend was lying in my arms, wheezing and crying. This was all because of Xavier. Fucking Xavier.' "Kai Kai, we'll get you to the nurse. Are you okay? Where are you hurt?"

I ran through the door and into the nurses' room and gently placed him on the bed, the nurse ran in to attend to him, and shooed me out. About an hour later, I had gotten tired of sitting on the bench outside the nurses' office, I noticed a tired Kai getting ushered out of the room. He looked at me and just plopped himself onto the bench beside me. The nurse then gave me an angry glare and walked back inside.

She was probably sick of me by now, with all the times that I've gotten into fights at school.

Though, no matter how many times my parents were called, I'd never get in trouble at home. That's because my sister was absent from home most of the time. She'd leave early in the morning and get back late at night. I never did figure out what my sister's job was that entailed such crazy hours of business.

That man, Xavier, was looking up at us as we flew through the night sky.

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