The kids In The Iceberg

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Two kids in a canoe were fishing one depending on his weapon alone and one depending on her water bending. "Its not getting away from me this time Watch and learn Katara this is how you catch a fish" He said while stalking a fish in the water. The girl moved her hands and the water seemed to move with her in the water she was controlling there was a fish "SOKKA LOOK!!" The boy shushed her and said "Katara your gonna scare it away mmmmmm I can already smell it cooking" He was to busy stalking the fish to see his sister behind him with one she had caught. "But Sokka! I caught one" She said trying to control the water so she could drop the fish on the boat. As she did this The boy lifted his spear up to strike the fish but hit the water above his head causing him to get soaked. The boy yelled and he turned around clearly frustrated "Why is it that every time you play with magic water I get soaked?!" she started to get aggravated "Its not magic its water bending-" the boy cut in "Yeah Yeah an ancient art unique to our culture blah blah blah" He sighed "look im just saying that if I had weird powers I would keep my "Weirdness" to myself" he started to reach down for the spear he dropped she crossed her arms and said "Your calling me weird... im not the one who makes muscles at myself every time I see my reflection in the water" as she said that she looked down to see him flexing his muscles and smirking into the water. He gave her a side eye and relaxed his muscle a bit as he turned around to say something a chunk of ice hit the boat. The both screamed as the boy took the oar A current was leading them straight to an ice burg. He was frantically trying to get out of the current as another piece of ice hit the side of their boat the girl said "Watch out" then started to tell him "GO LEFT GO LEFT" he desperately tried to fight the current. Two pieces of ice slammed together and broke their boat causing them to fall on a nearby piece of ice The water settled and the girl said "You call that left-?" the boy replied with "You dont like my steering well mabye you should have "Waterbended us out of the ice" she stood up "So its my fault-" he was sitting on the ground clearly angry "I knew I should have left you home" he said looking dead ahead "leave it to a girl to screw EVERYTHING up" The girl looked as if she was going to kill him she started to yell " YOU ARE THE MOST SEXIST IMATURE NUT BRAINED" She was waving her arms and the water behind her seemed to follow her lead "IM EMBARRESED TO BE RELATED TO YOU" The water kept splashing and it was hitting into the ice burg behind her. A giant chunk started to crack catching the boys attention "EVER SINCE MOM DIED IVE BEEN DOING ALL THE WORK AROUND CAMP WHILE YOUVE BEEN OFF PLAYING SOLIDER" His eyes got wide "Uh Katara-" she went on "I EVEN WASH ALL THE CLOTHES HAVE YOU EVER SMELLED YOUR DIRTY SOCKS LET ME TELL YOU NOT PLEASENT" Two giant cracks appeared in the ice burg behind her "Katara settle down" the boy said trying to prevent the  ice burg from breaking in half she went on "NO THATS IT IM DONE HELPING YOU FROM NOW ON YOUR ON YOUR OWN!" With one last blow the ice burg began to crumble the boy gasped as the girl turned around. The ice broke causing waves to push the two further out at sea once the water calmed the boy said "Ok youve gone from weird to freakish Katara" The girl looked in amazement and worry "You mean I did that?" he seemed so done with the whole experience "Yep congratulations" he said  a blue light started to glow they both backed away from the edge as they gasped A giant chunk of ice emerged from the water the girl walked a bit closer. In the ice there seemed to be shadowy figures. The ice was a glowing blue the closer they looked the more they seemed to see 2 people and some giant animal the girl raised an eyebrow then the younger boy in the ice opened his eyes. They were a glowing white. The 2 gasped and their eyes widened in shock. "Hes alive?!" the girl pulled the weapon from the boys back "We have to help!" she said as she approached the ice burg the boy looked worried "Katara! GET BACK HERE WE DONT KNOW WHAT THAT THING IS" He chased after his sister as she hit the ice she hit it 6 times before a giant gust of wind erupted from the ice the 2 managed to stay on the ice while the giant mass was split down the middle when the ice opened a giant beam of light came from it. The light caused animals to wake up and shook the water. It even alerted an enemy ship searching for something to regain their honor. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 10, 2022 ⏰

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