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          This is my second Taglish Liskook AU. Before Anything else, I just want to thank all of you for supporting my stories. Every reads, votes and comments are deeply appreciated. It means a lot to me. I hope you'll love this one too. Have fun reading!

         If you're not a liskook shipper or if you find my ship uncomfortable please be gone, I don't need any hatreds towards my craft. I am not affiliated with any of the portrayers that I used in the story. Moreso, my characters are not connected with the real artist.

           This is a fanfiction only, thus, all the events are only product by the author's imagination. Any resemblance of names, characters are pure coincidence. I don't intend to offend anyone, this is purely for fun and for my liskook shipper's content.

           Also if I put wrong information in the story for instance, about the course of the characters please I appreciate if you'll correct me. Although, I studied a lil'bit about it ,however, I can't guarantee that all my knowledge are correct.

         Lastly, plagiarism is a crime. I'm begging for the love of God don't copy my works as well as the other writer's story, I believe you can make some story on your own too. LOVELOTS

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