You're Alive?!

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I managed to unite myself and rushed around to in The Gale. "C'mon!" I rushed her as we ran over to Kincaid.

"Here, you're gonna be fine. Just apply pressure." I told him.

He pulled out his gun and handed it to me. "Take this and get that son of a bitch!"

Gale and I made our way around the house, trying to find where Sydney was. As we saw the stairs I realized Emma was lying at the bottom of them.

Gale pulled me away before I could react however.

Gale and I managed to find a library. We heard muffled talking and figured they must be in there.

"How do we get in?" Gale asked.

"Break the door down?" I said with uncertainty.

"That's a... shitty plan." Gale shrugged.

"Thanks for the moral support." I scoffed.

"Dewey I'm seriously sorry. I wasn't thinking." She pleaded.

"Ugh. Gale it's fine. I forgive you! Can you just help me break this door down?"

She groaned. "Fine, fine."

"Ok. One... Two... Three!" We both ran at the door, shouldering it. As the door flung open, Gale and I fell into the floor.

"Sydney!" I yelled as I heard fighting on the other side of the bookshelf.

"Sydney!" Gale repeated.

"Damnit." I groaned. "Sydney!" I tried again. "Leave her alone!" I yelled to the killer on the other side of the shelf.

I suddenly got an idea. "Hold on." I told Gale, walking across the room.

"Dewey, do something!" She rushed.

Emma's POV:

"Son of a fuck, this hurts." I cursed as I stood up. I was very unsteady on my feet and almost fell.

"Nope!" I gasped, grabbing onto the rail of the stairs. "Ha! I'm fucking invincible!" I laughed to myself. "You know I feel like I've cursed more in the last hour of today than I have in the last year." I said. "Hmmm. Oh well."

Maybe I was just loopy from blood loss, but I felt like I was drunk. "Ok Emma. Find your husband and save the day cause God know they can't do it themselves." I rolled my eyes as I made my way forward.

After a few minutes, I heard screaming coming from the direction of the library. "Dang it Dewey. Get your shit together." I muttered as I held onto couches and chairs trying not to fall.

I realized I still had my gun in my holster. "Why the hell didn't I shoot the bastard when I had the chance?!" I scolded myself.

I continued to walk towards the library. As I got closer I heard more screaming and shouting, and then I realized...

"Roman that bitch! I knew he couldn't be trusted."

As I walked into the library I saw Dewey shooting at him. Randy's words flashed back in my head.

"Stabbing him won't work, shooting him won't work, basically in the third one, you gotta cryogenically freeze his head, decapitate him, or blow him up." Randy had told us.

"Of course I'm always the one that has to save the day." I chuckled.

Dewey's POV:

"Shoot him in the head!" Sydney yelled at me. Before I could react, another gun went off beside me. Roman fell to the floor. Dead.

I turned to see Emma, standing with her gun aimed at where Roman had been standing.

"You're alive?!" I yelled.

"Oh. Yeah I guess so." She shrugged.

"Oh my God. I thought you were dead!" I said, cupping her face in my hands.

"Dewey. Dewey I'm happy I'm ok to buy like I'm sort of bleeding out right now and I probably need to go to the hospital." She smiled at me.

"Oh! Oh my God ok. Um... shit." I muttered, trying to apply pressure to her stomach.

"Ah." She groaned.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. Just hand on a little longer ok?" I winced.

"Yeah. Yeah... ok." She said before collapsing in my arms.

My heart stopped but then I realized she was still breathing. I sighed and pulled her closer to me, happy that this was all over.

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