Brian Stells x Reader angsty fluff

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tw: swearing, blood, descriptions of a corpse

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tw: swearing, blood, descriptions of a corpse.

"Brian, why do we have to drive out into the woods again?" "Uh, we have to check up on the animatronics. See if they're fit for being taken for the relocation project, I think." You groaned, shifting in your seat, unnerved and your lower half became numb from sitting for too long. "Are we there yet?" Brian shook his head. "I don't think so- oh, nevermind," the place came into view. He quickly parked and you hopped out of the car. Brian waited for you to run to his side and when you did, you both ventured inside.

As soon as the door opened, you both nearly threw up, the smell of decay hitting your nostrils. "Eugh, smells like something curled up and died," Brian exclaimed in between coughs, trying to lighten the mood. After a little bit of coughing and trying not to throw up, you both eventually got used to the smell enough to go inside. I mean, it was your paycheck on the line. Of course, you both could've said the relocate project was unsuccessful, but it would be rather suspicious if you both left early and also if another team was sent and they found salvageable parts. You both held up your flashlights and looked around, accidentally wandering to a different side of the building.

You, so far, hadn't found anything worth saving. You found a scalped Boozoo head, though, which made you laugh a little. Looking around a bit more, you didn't find much else, aside from the occasional carcass of a bug or rodent and its droppings. "I'm so telling Mr. Kraken to up my pay after being here. It's creepy here, I wanna go home." Venturing into the next room, you then started to find strange stains. They could be chalked up to being oil stains, but since when was oil reddish brown?

The smell, that smell. It hit you, that smell, except it was far worse. You frantically flashed your flashlight around the room, your eyes darting with it. You saw a... Clown? Billy, was it? It had the stains, too. You heard clanking noise and there was Bon, the leader of his artificial band. Except, his fur was matted with that "oil", he had holes in the fur, and his hands were completely caked in the "oil".

Every time his hands twitched, you could hear the mystery substance flake off and hit the floor. Shuddering, you step back, accidentally taking a good look at the clown. It somehow fell over and that's when you found out where the smell was coming from. Ashley, one of your work friends, was inside of it. Her face was mangled, but the look of fear and pain still shown. Her hair was matted, absolutely caked with blood. Her head was facing you and if she still had her eyes, you were sure she would be staring into your soul.

"A-Ash?" You wanted to scream, cry, hug her, throw up, get her out, and cling to that hope that she could be saved, even though you knew she couldn't. She was long passed the point of saving. You heard Bon take a step towards you and you bolted, slamming the door behind you, alerting Brian. "Y/n, there you are! I-" you grabbed his arm and kept running. He looked behind you, Bon inching closer. His eyes widened and ran as fast as he could, slamming the door before Bon could get out and locked it, ushering you into the car and he drove away quickly, all the while, you were sobbing over how Ashley's last moments alive were spent in agony in that back room, Brian too focused on driving to notice. Pulling into a crowded parking lot, he stopped to ask why Bon was active and moving, until he noticed how frantic and upset you looked.

"Y/n, what... Happened?" "Ashley's dead! She's long dead! That's what the smell was! She was stuffed in that damn clown! Bon definitely killed her, did you see his hands?! Ashley probably suffered so much all because of those fucking robots!" You felt sick, the sound of her face hitting the floor and the image of her body staring at you forever being burned into your head. "Wait, Ash is... She's dead?" You nod, sobbing and covering your eyes. He unbuckled his seatbelt and made sure the doors were locked, to which they were. He pulled out into his lap, taking a few minutes to hold you. He knew you would be far too scared to be by yourself in your house, so he asked if you wanted to stay with him, at least for a little while. You agreed and after a few more moments of comfortable silence, you got back into your seat and buckled up, Brian doing the same and driving to his house. You both quit the following day.

A night turned into multiple, which turned to weeks. Eventually, he asked you to just move in with him permanently and you agreed. Since the incident, you have had trouble sleeping, especially by yourself. You'd have awful sleep paralysis and night terrors galore. But, with Brian beside you, you were fine. You told Mr. Kraken what happened and he didn't believe you, shooing you away. However, once you told the authorities about what went down, they investigated the place and found the body of Ashley and found the bloodied Billy and Bon alongside her. Ashley got to finally rest and Billy and Bon got scrapped.

A few months after everything settled, you and Brian got engaged, as well. Bob's Burgers shut down and Felix Kraken was sent to prison for life after multiple bodies were found in the animatronics, each of those people getting to be put to rest. Of course, the rest of the animatronics got scrapped as well.

I'm sorry, this was so bad, aaaah.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 16, 2022 ⏰

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