Moving ugh

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"Are you sick like me"

I wake up to the sound of my phone alarm sick like me by In this Moment.
I turn it off and sit up rubbing my eyes stretching . I roll out of bed and walk to my bathroom , turn on the shower and strip off my pajamas . I jump in the shower and do my stuff after that I wrap myself in a white fluffy towel and wrap my hair in a towel also .

I grab my phone turning on slipknot radio on pandora and jam out while I get dressed . I slide into my bra and underwear and put on my ripped at the knee black skinny jeans , and my old a dark gray him t-shirt that I got at my first him concert here in Delaware . I unwrap my hair , blow dry it straight then take my straightener to it . Next I do my daily makeup I don't need to put foundation on (I'm already pale enough as it is ) , i rim my green eyes in thin black eyeliner and top it off with a light coat of mascara .

"Salem are you ready yet ?" My uncle yells upstairs .
Me: " yeah I'll be down in just a min uncle joe !"
Oh yeah I should probably mention I live with my Ant and uncle , I've been living with them for my whole life because my parents died in a car accident when I was very little , luckily I wasn't hurt .
I pack up my last box with my makeup and hair stuff in it and tape it shut . I slip my black vans on and my kill star black zip up hoodie with an inverted cross on the back (I'm atheist) . I run downstairs slipping my phone into my back pocket carrying down my last box handing it to my uncle .

I turn to my Aunt Jenny who's crying .
Me :" Aunt Jenny no crying you'll make me cry " I say as I pull her into a hug .
Aunt Jenny : "I know it's just that I'm going to miss you so much " she cries
Me: "I'm only going to be a state away" I laughed
I'm staying at the house that my aunt and uncle rent out to people in Scranton PA .
Uncle joe : "ok ok enough with the crying and shit . Your cars all packed kiddo . "
Me: "alright I guess that's my que to go " I laugh wile pulling them both in for a last hug .
After our long goodbyes I grab my car keys and walk out to my car , getting in looking back at the house I grew up in . I pop in my Infamous MIW cd and drive off . This is going to be a long drive .

Salem please save meWhere stories live. Discover now