overjealous levi x reader

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Your pov:

i relaxed my mind at peace after i finished helping levi with the paperwork hes stressing over,
i jumped at the bed and gently hugged my favorite pillow who smells exactly like levi

i looked at levi who was leaning his self of the door frame i noticed that he was glaring at the pillow im hugging as if hes going to muder it, i looked at the pillow and looked at levi again genuinly confused but i just shaked it off and smiled softly at my boyfriend whos frowning

"Hey levi come here~~" i cooed and he rolled his eyes and walked away

that behaviour made me quickly sit up causing me to throw the pillow at him

"what the fuck y/n?" He touched the back of his head and turned to look at me

I laughed and stood up going close to levi

"You were fine a second ago why not tell me whats wrong now?" i held into his cheek looking deeply at his eyes with soft intimidating look.

i notice him gulp and i just smiled at his reaction when suddenly he gently pushed me as he closed the door he pulled me and pinned me on the door.

"eh? what the heck." I looked up at him i was shorter than him, he quickly rest his head on my shoulder.

"im sorry moron, just got annoyed" i tilt my head and rubbed his head

"out of nowhere?" Still confused not even knowing a single thing, like literally why the heck would he get jealous out of nowhere? I sighed

Hes arms snaked around my waist his other hand on my thighs suddenly hugging my very tight

i smiled and hugged him back

"i just want you to hug me and only me." Levi looked at me with soft gaze as im left speechless

"silly your the only one im hugging" i pinched his cheek softly because he was too cute

He broke the hug still looking at me "no your not,your hugging a pillow infront of me."

Im left speechless again this time dissapointed as i look at him literally stunned to speak.

i quickly slapped my mouth as i tried not to laugh

Levi raised his eyebrows and rolled his eyes, " whats so funny brat?" 

I gaved up and bursts out laughing

he just looked at me frowning and i quickly hugged him and buried lots of kisses

"your such a dumbass" i smirked

"am i?"

"But you know?"

he looked down at me and i moved a bit of hair covering his delicate face in his hair

i smiled

"your my dumbass."

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