It was a chilly winter morning and twilight was having twilight time with applebloom, scootaloo and sweetie belle. When all of a sudden the mirror in twilights castle opened and sunset shimmer came bursting through it with
people throwing stuff at her and pushing sunset into the portal and calling her names like evil, scumbag, and other nasty things. Once it closed sunset began to cry. ( rest of this story is in twilights point of view) What's wrong I asked the weak and sad sunset on the floor. Oh twilight its awful me and your friends were in the band room when( FLASHBACK) Hey sunset you ready rainbow dash called out. Yes I'm ready. Don't play one note principle celestia came barging in saying that I was suspended from school forever and was to be banded here because I pants VP Luna and took a pic and posted it on Instagram and pushed her in the sewer! So I was chased back here because everyone was so disappointed in me so you know the rest ( FLASHBACK ENDS. Wow I said to her. Just then spike woke from is nap and burped up a letter from celestia. It read "Dear twilight I need you to come to canterlot with sunset shimmer at once. Once I finished reading the letter I teleported me and sunset there immediately. But when we got there we saw Luna and celestia lying on the ground very weak but I felt all there magic in me again but this time PERMEANT. Twilight Celestia said in a weak voice. Myself and Luna must now step down from the thrown since it has been over 10000000 years. So why is sunset shimmer here and why do I look like you with starry hair instead of rainbow I asked her. Well she said you and sunset are.. Well you see... Your actually sorta kinda sister. WHAT I HAVE A SISTER? We both said in unison yes but sunset ran away really early in her life. So twilight you are going to transfer half of your magic to your sister and once you do we will be gone. I transverse the magic and then Luna and celestia vanished we both cried. We went back to my castle well now our castle and got my sister settled in. Once my friends walked in they they thought we were celestia and Luna but when we turned around they were even more surprised. I told them what had happened and they cried to. I am twilight sparkle my sister sunset shimmer and I now rule all of equestria now that lulu and Tia are gone for good things will be much happier from now own!