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Wooyoung enjoy his meals with his two friends. His eyes glued to his phone.

"They're cool."Hongjoong say.

"Who?"Jongho ask.

Wooyoung turn around and saw four vampires walk side by side into the canteen. With smirk on their face, thinking everyone loved them. Well maybe they do.

"Are you looking at Seonghwa?"Wooyoung ask. He focus back on his phone.

"He's pretty isn't he?"Hongjoong really whipped for Seonghwa.

"It's disgusting. He will suck your blood anytime he want."Wooyoung feel annoyed.

"But, Hongjoong was right. They really cool." Jongho sigh. "Ah! Only if I can try Yeosang. It must be great to date him."

"Wait. Why is Sannie with them?"Hongjoong ask.

"Yah! Refresh your feed. He's dating with Mingi. That bitch won't listen to me."Wooyoung say not taking his eyes off his screen.

"Hye, guyss!"San sit beside Wooyoung.

"Did you have some date just now?"Yeosang ask. Excitedly.

"Yeah. He really kiss me at the fire escape. He's so cool!"San smiling. "I really want him to suck my blood."

"The fuck!? Can't you choose any other way to die? Other than being suck by a vampire?"Wooyoung look at him with disgusted face.

"Yah! Wait until you fall for them. Then you'll know how it's feel."Jongho say.

He look at Yeosang only to found out he already starring at him with his red eyes.

"Fuck! That's scared me."Jongho say under his breath.

"What? Yeosang's red eyes? He surely just want to tease you."San chuckle.

time skip//

Wooyoung keep watching his favorite shows in his phone. While holding pile of books on his right hand. He didn't look where he was headed until he bump on someone.

"Watch your way!"

He raised his head to just see Seonghwa look at him.

"And you should moved away when you know I'm not aware!"Wooyoung defend himself.

"Yah! How dare you talk to me like that?"

"Why? You think you're a vampire I should be scare of you? No bitch. You're just a fucking monster that I can kill with garlic."Wooyoung sassed, picking up his book.

"I swear I'm gonna suck your blood."Seonghwa say showing his fangs and his red eyes.

"Hey, chill dude."Yunho hold Seonghwa. He help Wooyoung with his books. "He just a kid, Hwa. It's not worth anything."

"I'm not a kid!"Wooyoung say.

"Well you are. At least for us, you're a kid."Mingi say.

"So what?! There's no rule saying I can't suck a kid's blood."Seonghwa look at Yunho.

"Because you're heartless vampire! Now get out of my way!"Wooyoung say. He bump his shoulder with Seonghwa's.

"I swear I'm gonna kill him."Seonghwa say clenching his fist.

time skip//

"What's with your face? You look like you want to kill someone."Hongjoong ask.

"Yeah! I feel like I want to kill your lover!"

"What!? But- why?"Hongjoong look at him in confusion.

"Hye, Sannie!"

Wooyoung flinched when Mingi suddenly appeared in front of them.

"Hye babe!"San jump on Mingi and kiss his cheek.

"Holy shit! That's disgusting."Jongho cover his eyes.

"Hey, little fox."Yunho tap on Wooyoung's shoulder. "You drop your phone and you didn't pick it up."

Wooyoung snatched his phone from Yunho.

"Thank you."he say shyly. "Jongho, Hongjoong let's go home."

They walk away leaving Mingi and San together with Yunho.


Wooyoung throw himself on the bed. He look at the notifications he got.


Hye! It's Wooyoung right?
I'm Yunho.

Woah. I never know vampire use a phone this day.
Btw, how did you get my number?

Urmm I took it from your phone.
Yeah, we know IT now. We go to school right?

"Urgh! whatever."he plugged in his phone and put it on the desk.


"Who are you chatting with? You look so happy."Yeosang ask. He sit beside Yunho.

"No one."

"How come it be no one. I just saw you smiling a minute ago."Yeosang look at Yunho with his serious face.

"Okay fine! It's Wooyoung."Yunho say.

"Wooyoung?"Yeosang sitting cross-legged. "He's Jongho's friend right?"

"How did you know their names?"Yunho ask.

"I just know."Yeosang say. "Did you have Jongho's number too? I ask San and he didn't want to give it. He say it's a privacy."he pout.

"I don't. But I'll try to ask Wooyoung."Yunho say.


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