King of Fire Underground (1/?)

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Undertale Alternate Universe

1. Grillby
  A. He is the King of Monsters in the Underground, his flames are a bright Royal blue
  B. He had a sister who fell down after giving birth to his niece Fuku due to losing her Mate in the war.
  C. Fuku, Sans, and Papyrus are all Grillbys' children and are as such Royalty
  D. Grillby knows he is missing a Mate and two children
  E. Grillby knows something happened to the last Royal Scientist
  F. Grillby never has and never will kill or order the death of Human children
  G. The Rabbit Unit Guards the King at the Royal Capital
  H. The Capital where the King resides is called ??????????
2. Gaster
  A. Gaster and Grillby became Mates just months before he fell into the core
  B. Sans and Papyrus are Gaster children that came into existence after an experimental procedure was done to save his life. (He was not expecting them, but he was overjoyed to have them none the less.)
  C. When Gaster fell into the Core he did not die however he was forgotten by the Majority of the Underground, this has consequences for his children
  D. Gaster is a wonderful parent
  E. He was the Royal Scientist and Lord of Snowden
3. Toriel and Asgore are the Lords of the Ruins
  A. They still adopt Chara into their family with the permission of the King
  B. Both were devastated when their children went missing
  C. They still adopt frisk into their family
  D. They never stopped looking for Asriel and Chara
  E. Asgore and Toriel helped name the Cities of the Underground
  F. Asgore is still not the best at naming things and Toriel made the names puns
4. Asriel and Charas' fates are important to the story of the AU
  A. Asriel found Chara when they were both 10
  B. Chara and Asriel became Mates when they were 18
  C. Asriel and Chara disappeared when they were 20 on their way to Snowden
  D. They will not have aged since their disappearance when they are found
  E. Chara and Asriel will be Astral projecting when Frisk meets them
  F. Neither of them remembers what happened to them or where their bodies are (Hint: the flowers Frisk fell on are rather Convenient don't you think? Wonder where they came from?)
5. The Mages are important to the story of the AU
  A. They did not willingly create the Barrier or the curse tied to it
  B. The Mages left supplies and information for the Monsters to find
  C. Seven of the Mages willingly hid their Souls behind incredibly difficult puzzles and traps for the Monsters to find
  D. Each puzzle gets progressively more difficult the more Souls the Monsters retrieve
  E. Mages were persecuted after the Barrier went up
  F. The persecution and culling of the Mages was important to the history of the AU
  G. By the time Frisk fell Mages were protected by law on the Surface
  H. The Mages on the Surface helped create laws to protect the Monsters long before the Barrier broke
  I. Despite laws protecting them Mages are still being hunted and killed
6. Sans still remembers resets
  A. When Sans was 6 there was an incident that affected her health and stunted her growth
  B. Sans and Papyrus are 8 years apart in age
  C. Sans meets Frisk when she is 24 (424 to the rest of the Underground)
  D. To Keep their family titles as Lords of Snowden Sans had to lie about her age and become the current Lord of Snowden
  E. For her safety Sans had to also lie about her gender and as such only Papyrus has seen her in female presenting clothes and only within the safety of their home
  F. Sans raised Papyrus well enough that they are not codependent towards each other
  G. Sans likes to knit, sew, and play the harp
  H. Her Hp was a result of a doctors malpractice after the accident, said doctor was Judged and executed for their actions and crimes revealed during the Judgement
  I. Sans was 14 when Gaster fell into the core
J. Sans Total HP is stuck at 1/1
7. Papyrus loves puzzles and art of all forms
  A. Papyrus has an incredible memory and can remember events from the age of 2 onwards
  B. Due to his Memory Papyrus is extremely aware of the gaps in his Memory regarding his and Sans's parentage and younger years
  C. Papyrus meets Frisk when he is 16 and they are 12
  D. Papyrus will join Frisk on their journey across the Underground
  E. Papyrus knows who is responsible for Sans hiding her gender
  F. Papyrus is protective of Sans and will go to great lengths to keep her secrets
  G. Papyrus is extremely observant of his surroundings and the people in said surroundings
  H. Papyrus will be responsible for the capture of Jerry
8. Frisk is 9 when they fall into the Underground
  A. Frisk is the Angel depicted in the Monster Prophecy
  B. Frisk and Papyrus will be the ones to find Asriel and Chara and free them
  C. Frisk is Charas' many times great niece through his biological sister (who he never got the chance to meet)
  D. Frisk is gender neutral but biologicaly female
  E. They will be integral to the retrieval of the last 2 Souls
  F.  They will also help to save Gaster from the core
9. The antagonist of the AU is Jerry
  A. No one likes Jerry
  B. Jerry is responsible for the disappearance of Asriel and Chara
  C. Jerry somehow gained control of Resets before Frisks arrival
  D. Jerry is the reason Sans hides her gender
  E. No child is to be left alone when Jerry is known to be in the area,  especially not Human children
  F. There is a warrant issued by the King of Monsters for the arrest of Jerry
  G. Jerry is very good at avoiding capture unfortunately
  H. There is a 100,000,000g reward for the capture or Jerry issued by the King of Monsters himself
  I. Any information on Jerrys whereabouts is to be reported to the Royal Guard and caution is recommended to all citizens of the area he is rumored to be in
  J. Jerry is terrified of Papyrus and Sans, especially Sans
  K. Jerry  has done millions of resets and if not for Frisk he would have done millions more
10. Muffet is the Lord of Hotland where the Royal Labs reside
  A. Absolutely hates Jerry and will attempt to feed him to her pet the first chance she gets, after 'playing' with him first of course
  B. Found her Human child half dead after an encounter with Jerry
11. Undyne is the Lord of Waterfall
  A. Undyne loves Alphys and has been courting her for nearly 20 years
  B. She has a library filled with anime
  C. She knows anime is Human fiction
  D. Loves playing piano
  E. Friend of Papyrus through Sans
  F. Likes Action
  G. Adores her Human child
12. Alphys
  A. Alphys loves Undyne and is oblivious to the fact Undyne loves her back or that she is being courted
  B. Alphys loves anime
  C. She thinks anime is real
  D. Loves to listen to Undyne play piano
  E.  Adores dancing
  F. Likes romance
  G. Adores her Human child
  H. She is the head of the Hotland Royal Guard
13. Mettaton is the new Royal Scientist of the Royal Labs
  A. Mettaton made himself a robot body it has four arms to better help him in the Labs
  B. His robot body is still fabulous despite his profession
  C. Mettaton becamethe Royal Scientist on his own merit
  D. Mettaton made Napstablook a robot body for when he becomes famous
  E. Friend of Alphys and Sans
  F. Will set Jerry aflame should he be spotted near his Human child
14. Napstablook is the best musician of the Underground
  A. Napstablook helps Shy-ren with the composition of her songs
  B.  Napstablook is known as Napstatton when in his robot body
  C. Friend of Undyne and Sans
  D. Likes to listen to gossip and share what he hears with Shy-ren
  E. He loves his cousin Mettaton even when he does silly things like build him a robot body for no apparent reason
  F. Loves his Human child and will 'disappear' Jerry should he come near them again
  G. Saved his Human child just in time... Just in time... Never again.
15. Shy-ren is the Star and voice of the Underground though no one has ever seen her
  A. Shy-ren uses radios to communicate with her audience
  B. Shy-rens' songs are the most beautiful things in the Underground
  C. She reports news from all over the Underground
  D. Gerson is her sponsor
  E. Has a crush on that pretty fire elemental from Snowden
16. Aaron is the head of the Waterfall Royal Guard
  A. He takes his job seriously
  B. Has a crush on Shy-ren
  C. Has a crush on that pretty ghost guy that wonders past sometimes and hangs out with Shy-ren
  D. Has a crush on that one pretty fire elemental from Snowden
  E. Hopeless Bi disaster (don't look at him!)
17. The Nice-cream shop is located in Hotland
  A. Monster-Kid and his family operate the Nice-cream shop
  B. Monster kid wants to be apart of the Hotland Royal Guard
  C. It is a very popular location for the residents
  D. Likes to follow Alphys around when he sees her
18. Fuku
  A. Although Fuku does not remember who Sans and Papyrus are she still loves them like siblings and adores when they come to visit her Restaurant
  B. No one in Snowden knows Fuku is the Princess of the Underground, they think she's just another regular fire elemental
  C. Fuku likes to write letters to her Uncle about her life in Snowden and about her favorite Skeleton 'brothers' and the antics they get up to (Grillby loves receiving these letters)
  D. Fukus' flames are a sea green
  E. She loves to listen to Shy-ren sing through her radio
  F. She owns a Restaurant in Snowden called Hearth (or The Hearth to Snowden residents)
19. The Rabit Unit and Canine Unit
  A. They and the Canine Unit were trained by the King himself
  B. The Canine Unit are known as the second best in the Underground
  C. There is no bad blood between the two Units
  D. Both Units will attack Jerry on Sight
  E. The Rabbit Unit is known as the best of the Royal Guards in the Underground
20. The Fallen children
  A. With the permission of the King Human children that fell Underground could be adopted by Monsters
  B. The Human child with the soul of Justice was adopted by Dogamy and Dogressa
  C. The Human child with the soul of Perseverance was adopted by Muffet
  D. The Human child with the soul of Integrity was adopted by Undyne
  E. The Human child with the soul of Patience was adopted by Mettaton
  F. The Human child with the soul of Bravery was adopted by Alphys
  G. The Human child with the soul of Kindness was adopted by Napstablook
  H. All Human children are protected by Monster law
21. Dogressa
  A. Mate of Dogamy
  B. Prioritizes rescue
  C. Held her Human pup as he died
  D. She is still working through the grief
  E. Will attack Jerry on Sight
  F. She is head of the Snowden Royal Guard
22. Dogamy
  A. Mate of Dogressa
  B. Loathes Jerry for the murder of his Human pup
  C. Deeply protective of pups
  D. Will attack Jerry on Sight
  E. He does what he can for his Mate
  F. He is the head of the Capital Royal Guard
23. Cattie
  A. Deeply loyal to Toriel
  B. Misses her friend Bratty from Waterfall
  C. Likes that Handsome cat shopkeep from Snowden (what was his name again?)
  D. Loves Fashion
  E. The head of the Ruins Royal Guard
24. Bratty
  A. Misses her old Friend Cattie
  B. Has a crush on that Blue Rabbit from Snowden that comes by every so often (What was his name though?)
  C. Loves fashion
  D. Hates the cold
  E. Makes specialty items in Hotland
25. The Cat Shopkeep
  A. Please don't ask his name he won't tell you
  B. Likes the Blue Rabbit that comes in every other day to buy sweets from him
  C. Sometimes a pretty Cat from the Ruins comes by to buy gum (Why does she always stare at him though? Did he do something to offend her? Should he run?)
26. The Blue Rabbit
  A. Works at the Snowden Library
  B. Likes The Cat Shopkeep from next door
  C. The Blue Rabbits name is Robbie but don't tell anyone please he's shy
  D. Likes to visit his Ma at the Snowden Inn
  E. Likes to visit his Siblings and Niblings in the Capitol
  F. Loves hugs
Hey it's been awhile huh...
Hope y'all like my outline for my AU.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 09, 2022 ⏰

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