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It was a cold cold windy night well its not cold are windy are even night. I'm Anika just your every day teenager its all about phoned boys and what should I wear today. I was normal until now! It was November 16th 9:01 am I woke up in a hospital not knowing what had happend so I asked the nurse"why am I here?" She said "there was a fire and that u saved every one except your family and now you are a hero!" Wait hold up now I remember me and my family and friends where at an hotel celebrating my birth day and me and my friends where swimming and there was an explosen and I told my friends to leave they all did except Allison we got everyone put except my family.
And then there was a second explosen Allison and me both got mocked put while trying to get out! I ask the nurse "what happens after the expolsein well when we got there ther was a piece of metal as big as a notebook paper in your arm and it went down in to your blood stream. What's amassing is that you did not have one single burn on you and when we took out the metal it was still on fire and there was no scract indicating where it was what is funny is that there was another incident gust like this with a boy just your age but on a cruse every one died except him he was supposed to dye but he dodnt! OK thank you um I have one more question what happens to Allison?

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