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A you could tell, I was on a small Hiatus. As a small apology, I decided to return with this small one shot. By the time you're reading this, I'll he working on the next chapter of Blackhearted. Or it'll he completed. Wherever you read this, it'll be one of the two. So get ready for more chapters

Side note, this one shot is based off one of my favorite songs, Spotlight by Lil Peep. I was thinking of making this a one shot trilogy or even a tetralogy. So if this does get enough support, I'll make it a small mini series and maybe make the one shots longer than this one


A young boy with green curly hair was sitting alone at a dinning table in the common area. He was using the table to study for a test later in the week. But he was visibly having a hard time concentrating on his work.

A few random classmates who were strewn around the common are could tell something was wrong with the boy. They were debating if they should intervene and see what's wrong with the boy. Many protested against that they should. But eventually they caved in and suggested they should see what's wrong.

The boy had help everyone in their class at one point in time without getting anything in return. So it's only right if they help him. So they sent in one person to talk to the boy.


The young boy looked up to see another boy with half red and half white hair approaching him.

"Todoroki" Midoryia set his pencil down and leaned back in his chair. "Can I help you?"

"Actually. Can I help you?" Todoroki asked in his usual dead monotone voice. Midoryia just stared at the half and half boy before speaking.

"No, I'm alright. But thanks" Midoryia said before turning back to his school work. Todoroki just stood there moment before going back to the group.

"I tried" Todoroki shrugged.

"Why did we send him?" A pink haired and skinned girl asked the group.

"I suggest we send someone who is more close to Midoryia and can actually let him talk" A boy with glasses suggested as he chopped the air, basically suggesting him.

"Yeah, because you're more fitting than Todoroki was. No offense dude" The class red head apologized getting a nod from Todoroki.

"I vote Kirishima. I mean think about it. He can make anyone open up just by looking at them" a girl with purple hair and jacks on her ears suggested.

"Thats not a bad idea. Go get him Tiger." The pink haired girl pushed the boy towards the table. Kirishima just walked up to the table to speak with Midoryia.

Midoryia looked up to see Kirishima walk up to him. But right behind him, he saw the dorm door open. In walked in a girl with short brown hair. Before Kirishima could get a word in, Midoryia grabbed his work and standing up.

Kirishima watched as Midoryia walk away from him. He wondered if he did anything wrong. But the group had finally connected the dots from when their classmate walked in and Midoryia walking away.

"What's going on?" The girl asked as she approached the group.

"We're watching tv" the electric user said confusing the girl, including the group.

"Uh, the tv is over there and off" she pointed out, getting a nervous chuckle from the electrical user.

"So what's going on?" She asked

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 10, 2022 ⏰

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