Chapter 18

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*In Chaeyoung's dream*

Chaeyoung sit down on a bench, looking at the relaxing view. Suddenly, she felt someone hold her hand beside her.

"Mina unnie." She happily said, like she is expecting an exciting news. "What do you want to tell me that you can't say earlier during class."

"Chaeyoung, the truth is.." Mina seriously look at her, holding both of her hands. "I like you."

*End of Chaeyoung's dream*

"So you are telling me that Mina unnie confess to you?" Dahyun asked Chaeyoung.

Class just ended and while Chaeyoung is waiting for Mina, she decided to talk with Dahyun about her dream.

"Here, I think this is the place. That's the bench, right there." Dahyun point at the bench, they are now in the place where Chaeyoung's dream happened.

"Wow, it's the place! That bench and the building, also the tress, they are on the same position." The two of them sit down on the bench. "But the color of the leaves are different."

"The season today is still spring, maybe it's fall?" Chaeyoung tried to remember.

"Oooh, so Mina unnie will confess to you during that season." Dahyun tease her by smirking and moving her eyebrows. "Im jealous. Someone will confess to you."

"Anyways, what did you response?" Dahyun asked, drinking her chocolate milk.

"I didn't say anything, but I cried. I don't know why, but it feels so real and then I lost my breath." She said, trying to remember every detail. "That's when I woke up."

Dahyun nod, shooting her chocolate milk to the trash can. "What if? Just what if Mina unnie really likes you and that dream was a hint!" She proudly said, like she just found something huge.

Chaeyoung gasp. "Dahyun.. big brain!!!" "I know right! So what will be your answ-?" She was about to ask the younger one

"Sorry, Dahyun. Mina unnie is texting me, I gotta go. I'll.. think about it." Chaeyoung said goodbye, leaving Dahyun sitting on the bench alone.

While sitting alone, she heard a loud noise from above.

"HEECHUL, YOU ARE SO STUPID!" Although it's from the rooftop, the woman's voice was really loud and enough for her to hear.

"Oh no, looks like somebody's dying today." Dahyun said when she saw the woman's body at the end of the rooftop, it's facing her.

"Wait, if she fall her.. I will be involved also!" She look up and then shout. "HEY, DON'T JUMP HERE. GO TO THE OTHER SIDE!"

The woman look down, she heard a voice but the words she is saying is not clear. "WHAT?"

"I SAID DON'T JUMP HERE, GO TO THE OTHER SIDE!!" The woman look at her weirdly.

"I'M NOT JUMPING, I'M JUST RELAXING HE-" The woman suddenly stop when she almost fell down.

"DON'T JUMP OKAY!" Dahyun didn't understand the words so she just try to remind her.

The woman suddenly felt better thanks to shouting so she decided to go home.

"Phew, looks like she change direction." Dahyun said, going home.

"Dahyun!!" Someone said from behind while she is going home.

"Momo Unnie! You're just going home now?" She asked, usually she go home early to get Sana from her school.

"Yup, I decided to shout my problems at the rooftop. You know, there's a student behind the building and she thought I will jump." Momo casually share. "But thanks to her, I felt lighter than before." She laugh a bit.

Dahyun just awkwardly laugh with her. "So that's her." She thought.

"Look.." Momo point at something. "What are they doing?" Dahyun look at the direction and saw Mina and Chaeyoung seriously talking.

"Unnie, shhhh." Dahyun said then pull Momo closer to her, hiding nearby where they can hear what they are shouting about. "Dahyun, this is wrong, we should not listen."

"Shhh, if you don't want, then go."

They are watching how the two talk, but one of them suddenly make a contact with Mina.

"Kiss-Oh." Mina stop her mouth from shouting then look silently at them. "Hello?" Chaeyoung said awkwardly.

"Uhmm..hehe." Dahyun stand up, making Momo stand up too.

Momo glance at them. "Are you two fighting?" She straightforwardly asked, making Dahyun nudge her. "What? I'm just askin-"

"We are not." Chaeyoung said.

"But you two are clearly fighting-" Momo got cutted when Mina smile at them.

"Looks like our acting got them." She said. "I KNEW IT!" Dahyun suddenly shout, clapping.

"That's why it's so familiar, is it a scene from a movie?" She excitedly asked.

"Yeah, it's from The Handmaiden." Chaeyoung said. "The part where Lady Hideko made Fujiwara sleep by making him drink the wine with some sleeping potion." She added.

Momo squint her eyes. "If I remember, the next part is kissing then that's where Fujiwara sleep." Then she smile at them teasingly. "Aigoo, if I didn't make an eye contact, then they should be kissing right now."

Dahyun smirk. "Please continue." She then bow. "We will just sit here and watch."

"No thanks, let's go to Sana's school and fetch her."

While they are "again" walking, Dahyun decided to talk with Chaeyoung.

"Hey, have you thought about it?"

"I don't know yet. Maybe I'll accept? But unnie deserves better." She sadly said.

"Who deserves better?" Momo asked, getting curious.

"Its nothing." They both said.

"What's the secret?? I'm your friend, tell me too!!" Momo got closer. "You can whisper it to me if it's about Mina."

"I can hear the three of you, you know."

And so, the day end with Mina getting curious who is Chaeyoung and Dahyun talking about.

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