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Summary at bottom if you don't want to read 

hi, hello it is I Elliepigon here with my first story ever. Now a few things before we get started, firstly I have a writing disability and can't spell that well so ill do my best to edit it and stuff but no promises I'm also really bad at grammar so ill do my best. 

I also expect no one to read this story because it's bad, so you can stay if you want, but you probably shouldn't  read it. 

This is my first book, so it isn't very good, and I don't know how to work any of the things on Wattpad, but I'm doing my best 

updates will be random because I have school and other things to do, so don't expect much 

TW: violence, blood, injuries, swearing (not in the actual book but in the author's note) MORE WILL BE ADDED 

VERY IMPORTANT: if anyone in this book is uncomfortable with it, it will be taken down right away 

I can't spell very good, it's a bad story because it's my first, I also have like no clue what I'm doing, no set updates 

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